Chapter 10

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Sienna never truly trusted Charlotte in the first place, she never seemed like a trustworthy person to Sienna but she couldn't think of any valid reason to back up her feeling. Now, she had one. Sienna wasn't even sure what Charlotte had done to get thrown in the Skybox, and subsequently down to Earth, in the first place, but that didn't matter right now. What mattered at the moment is that Charlotte had killed Wells, Murphy had almost died because of her crime, and they (Bellamy, Clarke, Finn, and Sienna) had to decide what to do with her and what her punishment should be.
"Bring out the girl, Bellamy!" Murphy called.
"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy asked, attempting to ignore Murphy.
"I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me." Charlotte said, looking at Bellamy. Bellamy looked at her, shocked at what she had said.
"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke demanded, everyone looking at Bellamy now.
"She misunderstood me." Bellamy said. He then looked back at Charlotte. "Charlotte, that is not what I meant."
"Bring the girl out now!" They heard Murphy's voice demand once again.
"Please don't let them hurt me." Charlotte said.
"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." Bellamy said. No one spoke up. "Now you stay quiet."
"Those are your boys out there." Clarke said, indicating to the delinquents who were amassing outside.
"This is not my fault. If you had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall." Bellamy snapped, his commented directed at Clarke.
"You want to build a society, princess? Let's build a society. Bring her out." Murphy called. They could hear him through the thin material of the tent, but were trying their best to ignore him and what he was saying.
"No! Please, Bellamy." Charlotte begged.
"Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be okay. Just stay with them." Bellamy said, before turning to go outside. Before he could take a step though, Sienna stopped him.
"No, Bell, let me." Sienna said.
"They'll tear you apart!" Clarke exclaimed.
"No they won't. I'm the one who saved Murphy's life remember? He won't hurt me." Sienna replied.
"I'm not too sure about that." Bellamy said.
"Bell, I'll be fine. I promise. I'll call out if I need any help. Finn and Clarke, while I distract everyone, you two sneak out with Charlotte." She said. She gave Bellamy a kiss before turning and exiting the tent.
"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us." Murphy said as he saw Sienna emerge from the tent.
"You need to stop this Murphy." Sienna said calmly.
"Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?" He asked, his tone condescending.
"Don't forget I was the one who saved your life from the people who were about to hang you." She snapped.
"Yeah, like that counts for anything." Murphy said. Sienna narrowed her eyes at him.
"It should count for a hell of a lot more than me trying to kill you." She snapped.
"So, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor? I see. So, it's okay to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!" Murphy yelled.
"It's over Murphy, you can't win." Sienna said, but Murphy pushed past her. He went inside the tent but found only one person inside. Bellamy.
"Son of a bitch!" He exclaimed before storming out again. "Hey! Come on. Let's get the girl." He said to the others who supported him. They yelled in agreement and then walked out into the woods to search for Charlotte, Clarke, and Finn. Bellamy and Sienna looked at each other before running out into the woods after the same people.

*Later – After Charlotte's death*

Even though Sienna didn't trust Charlotte, to say that she deserved to die was an overkill, no pun intended, in Sienna's opinion. Sienna wasn't even sure what Charlotte had actually done to warrant her arrest and get locked up in the Skybox, and subsequently down to Earth, in the first place. But that no longer mattered. Sienna looked on as Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy looked over the edge of the cliff off which Charlotte had just jumped. There was no way anyone could have survived that fall. Everyone was silent, and the only thing that could be heard was the crackling of the torches being held by the boys who had been chasing Charlotte and the others.

After the heated argument, Murphy's punishment for all this was exile. To be perfectly honest, Sienna was surprised that Murphy's only punishment was exile. She thought that Bellamy would be harder of him. She frowned. Did she really know her husband as well as she thought she did? What she did know, however, is that the two of them desperately needed to sit down and talk about all of this.

Once they were all back at camp, Sienna grabbed Bellamy by the wrist and effectively dragged him towards their shared tent, much to Bellamy's surprise. Once they entered their tent, Sienna turned to face Bellamy and began speaking.
"We need to talk." She said.
"About what?" Bellamy asked.
"About what? About everything! You've changed Bellamy. I feel as if I don't even know you anymore, and it hurts." She said, emotion clear in her tone and expression, tears forming in her eyes. Bellamy's eyes widened even further and he looked shocked.
"Angel..." He began, but she cut him off before he could finish.
"Don't you 'Angel' me. You've changed and you won't tell me what's going on. I still love you Bellamy, and I always will, but why are you acting like a completely different person?" She asked, desperation to understand clear in her eyes. She wanted, no, needed to understand what was going and it was obviously tearing her apart being in the dark about everything.
"Ok. Why don't we just sit down and talk everything out? I'll tell you everything that you want to know and vice versa?" Bellamy suggested. Sienna took a deep breath to calm herself down before nodding. The two then sat down on their bed and began to talk.

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