Chapter 14

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Despite the storm, Raven had managed to get the radio up and running so that Clarke could talk to her mother and they could help Finn. Unfortunately, not everyone was back yet and or inside. Octavia and Sienna, who had gone outside to get some of Monty's moonshine in order to help Clarke heal Finn walked back inside the dropship, soaking wet, holding two canisters. They both walked up to Clarke and she took one of the canisters before opening it and smelling it.
"Ugh. Monty's moonshine?" Clarke asked.
"Pretty sure no germ could survive it." Octavia commented. Clarke, Sienna, and Octavia looked towards the door hearing the storm grow louder.
"The storm's getting worse. Monroe, close the doors." Clarke ordered.
"But we still have people out there." Monroe replied.
"Monty and Jasper still aren't back yet. Neither is Bellamy." Octavia said.
"It's okay, they'll find somewhere to ride it out." Clarke said. Suddenly, a noise caught Clarke, Octavia, and Sienna's attention. They all turned around and Raven ran up to Clarke.
"One stitching needle." Raven said, giving Clarke what she had asked for.
"Great, I still need something to close the wound." Clarke said.
"There's some wire on the second level. I used it for the tents." Octavia piped up.
"Let's see it." Clarke said, encouraging her to go and get it. Octavia nodded at this.
"Stay away from the blue wires that run through the ceiling. I rigged it to the solar cells in the roof." Raven warned. Octavia nodded and walked over to the ladder. "That means they're hot! You got that?" Raven called after her.
Octavia: Yeah, I got that." Octavia called back as she ascended the ladder to the next floor.
"Tell me you can do this." Raven said to Clarke, her eyes clearly pleading as the two turned to face each other. Suddenly, one of the girls called out.
"Hey! They're back!" Bellamy walked into the dropship.
"Bellamy!" Sienna exclaimed as soon as he saw him. But before she could hug him, she noticed what was behind him. They dropped him on the ground and Octavia appeared beside Sienna before walking up to her brother, a look of rage on her face. "What the hell are you doing?" She exclaimed.
"It's time to get some answers." Bellamy said, his face unchanging.
"Oh you mean 'revenge?" Octavia challenged.
"I mean 'intel'." Bellamy said. He then turned to the boys who were carrying the grounder. "Get him upstairs." He said. The boys did as ordered and took the grounder upstairs. Sienna then joined her family.
"Bellamy, she's right." Sienna said calmly. Bellamy looked at her angrily, but before he could say anything, radio noises were heard in the background. Bellamy looked surprised at the radio noises and Sienna looked away as well, but only briefly before she turned back to Bellamy.
"Look, this is not who we are Bellamy." Sienna said.
"It is now." Bellamy said seriously before following after the other boys leaving his wife and sister looking after him, worry on both of their faces.

*Later – After the storm (Sienna helped Clarke with healing Finn)*

Sienna and Bellamy were helping everyone clean up after the storm when Clarke exited the Dropship.
"We'll get it cleaned up." Sienna said in a semi-optimistic way.
"I wish this was our only mess." Clarke replied as she passed the two. Bellamy grabbed her hand to stop her from going any further. She stopped and turned to look at him, knowing he was going to say something.
"Clarke. Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things." He said.
"What are we gonna do with him? We can't keep him locked up forever." Clarke said.
"If we let him go, he'll be back, and not alone next time." Bellamy responded. Sienna sighed. She knew he was right, but that didn't mean she had to like it. "It's not easy being in charge, is it?" He said softly, more of a statement than a question.

*The Next Day*

Raven had finally finished making a communication device so that they could talk to the people on the Ark and while Clarke and Sienna were currently talking to the Council up on the Ark, Bellamy was sitting in the Dropship watching the grounder they had captured.
Both Clarke and Sienna were sitting side by side with headphones and mics on in order to talk to the Council.
"We're doing everything we can to prepare here. We're gathering nuts and berries, curing meats, digging for roots, but the truth is, we'll freeze before we starve." Clarke said.
"There's good news on that front. According to civil defense plans from before the war, there's an old emergency aid depot not far from the landing site. Here are the coordinates." Kane told the two, showing them a tablet with coordinates on it. Sienna noted down the location.
"In addition to supplies, it could provide shelter for the hundred and for the citizens coming down from The Ark." Jaha said.
"And what makes you think it's intact?" Sienna asked.
"It was designed to withstand nuclear warfare." Kane told them.
"All right. It's worth a shot." Clarke agreed. Sydney then spoke up.
"Chancellor, I have to object. Project Exodus is under way. The kids should sit tight in their camp until the first dropship launches." Sydney said.
"Even if everything goes without a hitch, the hundred would die from exposure before relief arrives." Jaha disagreed.
"I have to agree with the Chancellor. Winter is coming and there is nothing we can do about it. We're getting nothing from the grounder in regards to suggestions on how to survive it, so we have to figure this out on our own." Sienna spoke up. "In addition, just because Project Exodus is underway doesn't mean it will be ready when winter arrives. What if it isn't and something goes wrong? What then?" Sienna asked. This silenced everyone.
"I'd like a moment with Clarke alone, please, and I know there's a line of parents waiting to talk to their kids." Jaha said. Sienna took her headset off at the same time as the rest of the Council stood up and they all left their respective rooms at the same time.

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