It had been three days since Tawnypelt had left. ShadowClan hadn’t been scented that close to camp again, but Bramblestar was still worried. How much further over the boundaries would ShadowClan come?
Bramblestar had only just woken up when Lionblaze came running into his den with Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Rosepetal, and Icecloud close behind him. “ShadowClan has moved their scent markers into our territory!” Lionblaze hissed. “Bramblestar, you must do something!”
“Who said I wouldn’t?” Bramblestar responded. He ran out to the Highledge. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!”
“We are going to attack the ShadowClan camp,” Bramblestar meowed. “They have taken this too far. Lionblaze, Icecloud, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Rosepetal, Toadstep, Cherrypelt, Molefur, Sandstorm, Graystripe, Squirrelflight, Cloudtail, Bumblestripe, Blossomfall, Wavefur, Woodpelt, Ivypool, Dovewing, Lilyblossom, and Seedfur, you will come with me to attack ShadowClan. The rest of you will guard our camp.”
He led his cats through the forest, past the Sky Oak and over the Twoleg path in ThunderClan’s territory where ShadowClan had placed the new scent markers. He led them past the half-bridge, which was supposed to be part of ThunderClan’s territory. He led them over the Twoleg path in ShadowClan’s territory, avoiding the puddles of the foul-smelling black liquid. And then, they were at ShadowClan’s camp. “ThunderClan, attack!” he cried.
Within seconds, the clearing was filled with writhing screaming cats. Toadfoot leaped at Bramblestar and swiped his claws across Bramblestar’s nose. Bramblestar scraped his claws right above Toadfoot’s eyes and Toadfoot was momentarily blinded by blood. Bramblestar pushed him onto his side, and began clawing at his belly mercilessly. Tigerheart dragged him off of Toadfoot and landed a death blow onto Bramblestar’s neck.
Bramblestar looked around. He was surrounded by a bunch of StarClan warriors, and one of them was a faint image of himself. When he looked the faint image of himself in the eyes, he saw himself, unmoving with blood pouring out of his neck. A StarClan warrior, Bluestar, stepped forward. “Bramblestar, you are losing a life,” she said.
Firestar stepped forward. “Remember, her fate is inevitable. Don’t mourn for too long. Your Clan needs you,” he meowed.
“‘Her fate is inevitable.’ Who is she?” Bramblestar asked Firestar. But the starry warriors were already fading. He found himself lying on the marshy ground of ShadowClan’s camp. He rose unsteadily to his feet. He was about to leap at Tigerheart, who was battling Sandstorm, when he heard Rowanclaw cry, “Blackstar!”
The cats stopped fighting. Blackstar was lying on the ground with blood gushing from his neck. He noticed Littlecloud walking towards the ShadowClan leader. “You brought this upon yourself,” Littlecloud meowed.
Blackstar’s eyes opened weakly. “Littlecloud…” he began to speak, but the effort was too much for him.
Bramblestar noticed an unmoving heap of orange fur. “No! Squirrelflight!” he cried, racing over to her side. He glared at Rowanclaw with undisguised hatred, and Rowanclaw was looking at him with the same look of animosity. “I won’t forget Blackstar,” Rowanclaw growled at him.
“And I won’t forget my mate!” Bramblestar snarled back at Rowanclaw. “Stay out of my territory!”
As the ThunderClan cats were almost out of the camp, Rowanclaw meowed, “This isn’t over, Bramblestar. Don’t you ever forget ShadowClan’s threat.”

Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #1: ShadowClan's Threat
RandomIt has been a while since the Clans won the battle against the Dark Forest. ThunderClan is prospering under Bramblestar's leadership and the rest of the Clans have been thriving too. But a strange black liquid is covering ShadowClan's territory, kil...