A ray of sunshine

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Audrey's prospective

"Audrey wake up..." Josh said gently shaking me awake. "What time is it?" I asked rolling over. "It's 6. We have to be at the dance studio at 7." Josh said sitting down on the edge of my bed.
"Okay." I said with a sigh getting out of bed. "I'll be ready in a minute." I said walking over to the closet. Josh left my room to go get dressed. Lucky I brought my swing shoes with me because I'm planning on going dancing with James. I put on a black long sleeve body suit, and black leggings. Instead of doing a French twist or beehive like I usually do I just put my hair in a messy bun.
I put on some socks and laced up my black and white swing shoes. I did my normal winged eyeliner. And went to go brush my teeth. Josh was in the bathroom brushing his. He was wearing gray skinny jeans, and a white t-shirt.
"Look at you." He said putting his toothbrush away. "You look like an actual dancer." He laughed. I laughing and continued to brush my teeth.
I met Josh by the front door. We walked to his car in silence. Both of us were really tired. "Josh!" A man said once we walked into the dance studio. "Hey Kyle! This is Audrey she's Marry's best friend and had nothing to do today so I dragged her with." Josh said.
"Well it's a good thing you brought her the girl you're supposed to dance with is sick. She's not gonna make the shoot. Can you dance?" Kyle asked. "Um I guess." I said. "Grate will you dance with Josh?" He asked.
"Ummm sure." I said putting my purse along the wall. I learned the dance pretty quickly, but it took Josh a while. He stepped on my toes.... a lot.
     "Sorryyyyy." He said. "It's okayyyy Josh." I laughed. Was it awkward dancing with him? Yes, but if it's not awkward then you're not doing it right. That's what my teacher used to always say.
       "Audrey... doing great keep it up. Josh come on pull your head out of your ass." Kyle said. Josh nodded. I quickly learned the guy part, and decided I'd teach Josh.
       "There you go! See you can dance. Now let's try it with me doing the girl part." I said once Josh kinda got the guy part. We tried one more time, and we did it. No one was dropped, and my toes are still intact.
      "Thank you so much!!!!" Josh said giving me a hug. "It was no problem." I said patting him on the back. Suddenly the door opened. "I heard my baby sister is finally in Vancouver!!!" James said making a grand entrance with Marry following behind him.
     "James!!!" I said running to him. Jaimes had a James Dean mixed with Elvis, and sometimes Frank Sinatra vibe to him. "How are you omg I haven't seen you in forever!!" James said giving me a hug.
      Although we're twins and the same age he was born a minute before me, so to him I'm his baby sister. Have you ever seen a picture of young Frank Sinatra? That's the only way I can describe his face. He looks just like him, except with soft brown eyes instead of blue. He wishes he could be as tough looking as James Dean, but he looks like a total dork.
       "James you know Matt, and this is Josh, Ian, and Mike. They're in the band with Matt." Marry said introducing them. "Hey how's it going?" James said shaking their hands.
    "Guys this is Audrey's twin brother James." Marry said. "You guys actually look really similar." Ian said. "So you're saying I'm as ugly as him?!" I joked. James hit me. "No he's saying I'm as hot as you." He said laughing.
     James and I have an odd relationship. We're constantly making fun of each other, and complementing each other. "What's this I hear about you dancing without me?" He ask. "Sorry I have a new dancing partner." I said giving Josh a side hug.
      "I've been betrayed!" James said pretending to act hurt. "So you're the man who's stealing my spot light?" James joked gently pushing Josh. I could tell he wasn't quite used to our joking.
      "Sorry." Josh said uncomfortable. "Josh no! He's joking don't worry about him!" I laughed. "Well I'm heading out Kim is waiting for me." Ian said waving goodbye. "I should go to. It was nice meeting you all." Mike said following Ian.
       "Are you guys hungry?" Matt asked. "Starving!" Josh said. I nodded in agreement. "We could all go and get something to eat?" Marry suggested. For some reason I really tired like I was about to fall asleep.
       The room stared to spin. I grabbed onto whatever I could to keep balance. "I'm actually really tired right now..... I think I'm just gonna go back to Josh's and sleep." I said trying so hard to fall over. "Uh why don't we cook something at my place?" I heard Josh say.
      I felt an arm wrap around me. Some how I managed to make it into Josh's car. "Are you okay?" Josh asked. I nodded my head fighting back the sleep.

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