Apartment 512

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Audrey's prospective

I woke up to the bright lights of a hospital room. I looked to my left and Josh was sitting with his eyes closed in a chair. "Hi...." he whispered looking at me. "Hi..." I whispered back.
"The doctors took some blood... they're doing some tests right now, and I called Marry who told your brother. He'll be by after he gets off work." Josh said sitting up in the chair.
"How long was I out?" I asked sitting up. "About three hours." He said. He seems tired, and jaded. There was a knock on the door followed by what I'm guessing is my doctor.
"Hello Ms. London. My name is Dr. Burns. We took some blood, and ran some tests. It seems that your iron is really alarmingly low. Do you know of any auto immune diseases that run in your family?" He said stepping into the room.
"Ummmm my mom's cousin died of Lupus at a young age.... that's all I know." I said sitting up fully.
"Well we're doing some tests for lupus to be safe. This may just be that you have an iron deficiency. We can hopefully get back to you with a solid answer by the end of the week. While we're here I'd like to ask you a few questions." He said sitting down on a stool.
I nodded. "Have you recently been feeling lethargic, tired. Kinda like you're suddenly out of energy?" He said. "Y-yes..." I said. He continued to ask me questions about my symptoms, and body.
Josh sat in the hospital with me all day until finally the doctor came back with the test results. "Here's the deal my team and I are working very hard to give you some answers tonight, but the way you're looking we'll probably have you in here for the week." The doctor said.
I looked over at Josh who looked so incredibly tired. "Your friend tells us that you don't currently live in Canada is that correct?" The doctor asked. "Y-yeah, I'm currently living in New York I came back for a wedding." I said.
James popped his head in. "Hi sorry. I'm James her brother." He said walking into the room taking a seat next to Josh.
"Well to recap my team and I are working hard to give you some answers.I have been running tests all day working to find some answers, but she will be here for at least the week. I do recommend if possible for her to move back to Canada. As a doctor I don't feel comfortable with her going back to New York by herself until we have solid answers." The doctor said.
James looked as Josh did. He leaned back in the chair thinking. His arms crossed over his chest. "Okay... thank you doctor... we'll talk about farther decisions I suppose." James said looking at me.
"Sure thing I'll be back as soon as we get some test results." He said shaking my hand, then Josh's, then James's. He left the room closing the door behind him.
"I-I think you should move back." James said not looking at me. "I'm fine by myself. You guys don't need to worry about me." I said crossing my arms.
"AUDREY!! Can't you see this is your health we're talking about. It's no longer financial, or emotional. Your health is all we have. You need to start taking better care of yourself. What if one day you drop dead in your apartment, and we don't find out for months because no one goes to your apartment?!" James said looking at me with tears in his eyes.
"I'm gonna start looking for a place for you here.... I-I'll find a way to get more time off and go get your stuff." He said. "James no. You work so hard, and you're going back to school don't worry about it. If you really want me back here I'll go pack up my stuff. I'll find somewhere to live while I'm here for Marry's wedding. It's gonna be fine. I'm not dead." I said.
"I-I know this isn't my place to say anything, but you could move in with me. I mean I'm hardly ever home with touring and stuff, and we do get along well together." Josh said looking down at his shoes.
"J-josh..." I said. "I mean if you want your own apartment you could stay with me while you look for something. There's no rush, and less stress for you." He said.
"What about your stuff? He probably doesn't have the room for all of it, and I'm not letting you go to New York by yourself." James said. "The room she's currently in is practically empty besides a bed, and vanity, and I could go with her. I mean we're not really doing anything besides going on tour in September, and a few festivals in the summer." Josh said.
"I'll take you up on your offer, but with two conditions. I have to find a place to stay before your tour ends, and I have to find work here before you start going to festivals." I said looking at the two guys. James and Josh were shocked.
"O-okay...." Josh said. "Audrey! You can't move in with him! You just met him!" James said. "James I'm 26 years old... I can make my own decisions. Plus I'm already staying with him." I said in a stern tone.
"Fine.... I'm not gonna fight with you about this." James said. Josh ended up falling asleep in the chair after we all talked for hours planning how I was gonna move back.
"Call me and let me know if there's anything you need." James said kissing my forehead. "I will. I love you." I said. "I love you too. Let me know if you need anything." James said walking to the door. "Bye James! Go home and sleep." I said. He laughed and left the room.

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