Chapter Three

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I sat in the cage as I watched the town with Jack get further and further away. Tears streamed from everyone's eyes, they have never had to leave their homes before. I was shoved into the bars and they threw any and everything they had at me, they knew I brought this at them. Bad luck is in the name of the Jaguar, I have never been able to change that fact, and now, I have destroyed peoples lives once again.

I watched as the sun flew across the sky. Only more towns where half humans lived did we stop, only to gather more of us. I had no more tears by the third day, they hadn't run dry, I knew I would see Jack again, that's what I decided. No one would be able to stop me, not if I had nothing else to lose.

Never mess with someone with nothing to lose, because I will take everything.

My ears were tugged at in the cage, and it hurt in the beginning when they tore, but by now I've become numb. My tail was yanked, but I try to keep it close.

By the third week no one messed with me anymore. My ears laid back and I only became more pissed at the humans, no one dared to make me mad at them as well, not as long we were stuck in the cage together. 

The fourth week we were finally let out, everyone flowed out into a new town built just for them. The men in black cautiously came into the cage where I sat. Half humans stared at me in wonderment, they had probably never seen a jaguar before, no one class 5 or above.

Large nets were put above me, the flinch of my tail and ears made the humans flinch at well, but I only stared out into the distance, the direction of Jack. I would make it back to him. When a net passed by my vision, halfway around me I turned back and watched the men, they froze.

I slowly got up as the men dropped their nets and gathered their guns instead. I walked over to the cage door, watching everyone as they watched me. 

"What are you waiting for? I dare you to touch me, you took everything." I glared at one man specifically, but everyone took about ten steps away from me, they kept their guns aimed at me though. 

One man took his eyes off of me to glance at his captain who I had been staring at, but as soon as his eyes were off I pounced forward with all my might. I yanked his gun away and used him as a shield and weapon as everyone else began to fire, the half humans ran away from danger. 

By the time I finished, I pulled my hand out of the last standing mans chest, his beating heart began to die in my fingers.

"Take something of mine, and I will take the same from you, this time . . . you ripped out my heart." I dropped the mans heart and walked past the other eleven men's hearts on the ground. Near by I entered the bathroom, inside I let the cold water turn to dark red as it ran down my arms. I looked up at my face in the mirror, a single tear fell until I wiped it away, leaving a washed red streak across my face.

I hung my head and screamed with all my might. A knock on the door interrupted me. I quickly washed up, the red disappeared down the drain, I looked at my reflection and put on my biggest smile, straining as I feel like I've forgotten how to smile.

I opened the door and exited, but as I expected fear in everyone's eyes, instead I was greeted with hugs.

"I know you lost someone, I am here for you." I look around and people who never knew I existed held mournful clouds in their eyes.

I was taken away as the murdered men were being cleaned up, I was lead away into a cabin, food was set upon a long table, people from my old town glared at me, but they held their tongues as I was walked past them. I was welcomed by these strangers just like I was welcomed by Jack.

They fed me with a large meal of meat, real meat. Usually predators were supposed to eat fake meat as it were questionable if we were to eat steak with a half human cow near by. Humans were allowed, but we can never. But I ate graciously until there was nothing left. I never wanted to eat people, but true animals were delicious.

After I ate I was lead to a different cabin, a hotel like suite, a room that I would have just for myself. Everyone left me with new clothes, and I gathered them to my shower. I gently place the last gifts from Jack on a near by stool, I would wash the blood the best I could after I cleaned myself. A voice from my door way interrupted my thoughts in the steam of the bathroom as they stated they would clean my clothes for me. I became nervous, but accepted. I finished cleaning away dirt and scum before turning off the water.

I gathered a towel and dried myself, before putting my hair into a twist.  I gently put the clean clothes on and found a brush inside the cabinet. I pulled out my hair and gently brushed around my ears, they had all ready began to heal back together from the cage. I knew small scars and rips at the edges would always be there as memories, though that was so minor by now.

I left the bathroom after blow drying my hair, it was just as fluffy as it was four weeks ago.

I pulled the covers back and tucked myself into the sheets. I let darkness consume me as an old memory floated to the surface, a memory from when I found out Jacks secret.

~ The rain began to fall in heavy droplets, and I haven't seen Jack at all for the past three days, usually we stick to each other like glue, and I find myself to be lonely now without him.

As the rain picks up I decide its time to go home, he'll come back . . . right? in front of my house, a shabby old building, busted up into millions of splinters I find myself not to want to go in alone . . . again.

I head over to a bench at a park near by, my tears fall silently, hidden in the rain. A thunder storm clouds the sky. Lightening lighting me every few minutes and thunder follows behind shortly.

I huddle into a ball waiting for the rain to stop, then I will go search some more.

I sit perfectly still for over half an hour, the rain still getting worse and worse. until I can only hear thunder, and the little bits of lightening in my sights. The rain . . . gone.

I look up to see a pitch black skin stretched wing over me, to my right I see Jack staring at me, water running down his face. At that moment his red eyes made sense in the darkness of the storm , and his black hair matched him so well.

I jump up and hug Jack with all my strength, no longer afraid to hurt him. Before I lean back and slap him with all my might as well, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" He laughs and pulls me back into a hug.

"I will always protect you, if you let me." ~

His warmth seems to fade away as my eyes open to the morning sun.

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