Chapter Five

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For several weeks I hitched rides from strangers on the back of their trucks, they never knew I was even there. I hid in crates and boxes, anything to which people would not see or find me. I traveled all the way back to the town in which I was thrown away from.

I snuck around buildings, looking for Jack, but he wasn't anywhere in sight. I decided to go home and see if he maybe was staying there. My faith running thin, but I ran to my old house in its ruins anyway.

The building was rusting with every metal piece, and every wooden plank was rotting from the inside out. the place was blackened from ash and its form was weak from a fire. I suppose the townspeople attempted to burn down the homes of anyone who was not human.

"Where did you go?" I asked a question I knew was not to be answered, but God do I wish Jack would answer me.

I dropped to my knees, tears escaping my eyes. My tail curling around me as my ears dropped. I looked to the west, a crimson glow on the horizon. Maybe, just maybe Jack went home. In a new world where mankind kills anything that isn't like them, where else would one return to?

I go up and began traveling. My will to continue only grew, Jaguars are known for their patients as long as there is a payout. I know there will be a payout, I will see Jack again, no matter what.

Again days passed me by, however, there was nothing in sight but what looked like a forest way off in the distance. I quickly ran, approaching the tree line, trees taller than I've ever seen before sat their leaves practically on the clouds.

I stared into the forest, perhaps Jack went in, perhaps I will find him somewhere in the trees. I entered the tree line, already terrified as sound I hadn't heard from the outside erupted all around me. Screams of birds, screams of wild beasts hunting, mating, things I have never heard before. I fell to my knees as the sounds overran my senses. Everything on me yelled to turn around and run for my life, but Jack could be in here, so I got up and continued forward, ignoring the sounds around me.

One step forward, one crack of a branch and the jungle fell into silence. I looked around, but nothing in sight sent off alarms, other than the intense silence that befell me like a bomb.

I wandered through the trees, through the thick silence. Even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to find my way out now.

I came upon a lake, or more of a small pond, its darkness scared me, but I figure a small pond couldn't be too deep. . . I scooted cautiously over and reached my hand out. A voice behind me and a rush of water scared me into climbing a tree high above.

I looked around for the voice, but as I was unable to locate the unknown sound I looked back down to see what appeared from the water's edge. My eyes scanned the large scaled creature, led to a beautiful woman, from my point of view at least. . .

"Excuse me?" I whispered down the mermaid creature, but when she looked up, her large bulging eyes stared through me like a sack of meat, prodding sharp teeth from an extremely large mouth. Her skin turned into a slimy filmed green color, and her black hair slicked down her skin. A mermaid from some type of horror film.

"She's not exactly a mermaid per say." The voice from before appeared behind me. I quickly turned around on the branch holding me. A red-headed man who held fire within his eyes. He dressed rather like a gentleman.

"Who are you?" He smiled at my question. I don't like his smirking face. I stood up on my branch and stared at him in the eyes. Emerald into a fire.

"I am Nixon, I am a phoenix. You are a Jaguar, right?" He reached over and curled my hair around in his hand.

I slapped away his hand, "You recognize me?" I leaned back just a little, his eyes immediately looked worried and he snapped forward to pull me back towards him.


I laughed at his exhausted expression, "Jaguars are famous for their abilities in the trees, Nixon? How do you know I am a jaguar, yet hold no knowledge of this?"

He let go, obviously embarrassed, "Sorry, I would know, anyone here would know a jaguar from first glance, in fact, everyone who lives her probably already knows about you being here." He brushes his red locks back as his eyes look away from me. "Though the dragons probably don't know yet, they are quite deep in the forest here."

I perked up at the mention, "There are dragons here? Do you know Jack?" I practically screamed at him, my ears bouncing forward in the excitement, my tail swished around behind me.

Nixon watched my every move. "Yeah, I know him, how do you?"

I leaned back, "Long story, would you be able to take me to him?" I tilted my head.

"It's dangerous, but since you already know him, it'd be no problem I suppose."

I jumped up and hugged Nixon, he quietly fell from my embrace, but his arms filled with feathers caught us in the air, fire prancing around him.

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