Chapter Seven

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I fell into his arms as tears streamed down my cheeks dripping onto the branch we sat on. He tightened his grip around me, squeezing me slightly as if to make sure I was in fact real.

"I missed you so much!" I cried into his shoulder until he pulled just slightly away. He pulled my my face up to look me in my eyes, sadness filled his eyes, but not the kind I thought I would see. Instead I saw regret, but regret I know not what its for.

"You Shouldn't have come here, no matter how much I hate to say it." He just kept staring, and the regret was growing.

"Why, I have nothing out there," I backed away from his grasp, "there is no reason for me to stay here with out you!" I clenched balls of my clothes in my hands, my nails tearing at them but not enough to rip.

"Joy.." He reached forwards for me once more, and I wanted him to touch me and realize his mistake and take it back. "You're not safe here, you know you aren't. And I cant protect you here," he paused, "I can't protect you anywhere." His reach retreated as I looked up at him, tears stinging at the corners of my eyes as they only grew heavier with each passeing moment.

"Then, let me not be safe with you. I did not fight my way here just to have you argue me away! If it was that easy I would have quit long ago before I ever met you!" I stumbled over everyother word but yelled at him. He looked at me once more before nodding and looking over at Nixon who had been pretending to not be listening to us.

"So, will you hide her or take her home, Jack?" Jack looked away from the question out to the distance behind him then back at me.

"If I hide her, she will kick up a fit, if I take her home.." He chuckled before pausing and a tear slid down his face, dripping from his jaw. "If I take her home, she may not be accepted." He looked back at Nixon.

"Theres only one way to find out, I bet they will love her, so many already do, in your family or not.. you better watch her closly around here." Nixon got up before flying away.

"I may not be like everyone here, but I can still get myself out of trouble when needed." I puffed up my chest.

He scooted closer and wrapped his arms back around me as he placed me in his lap, " Just like you did last night?" He chuckled and leaned further against me.

His chest vibrated lightly on my back making me smile, just to know I found him. "Well I had to find you and that seemed to work." We laughed before silence slid over us and we sat enjoying eachothers presence.

"If I ever lost you... I dont know what I would do." He buried his face into my neck.

 I turned around in his arms and reached up to his face cupping his cheeks in my hands. "That will never happen." I tilted my head and smiled at him, making him smile a bit more as well.

He pulled me close and we kissed, for the first time in what felt like forever, his taste remained the same. He slowly pulled away from what felt like heaven, "I should take you home soon before its too late." I slid off his lap and we got up, he held me up and flew pas the trees. He was much faster than Nixon, much swifter too. His wing beats sounded like thunder but his breathing sounded as light as the air its self.

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