Ch. 2- Metamorphosis

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"She has the mindset of a Queen and the heart of a warrior."-C


I opened my eyes from sleeping and gasped out loud. That was such a terrible dream. My head throbbed and I couldn't help but place my fingers on my temples and rub them to ease my pain. The pain in my head was getting stronger by the second as I realized that I was in my car. The book that I bought was in my lap and I furrowed my brows in confusion. Now that is weird. I placed the novel in the passenger seat and got out my phone. My head was blank by what happened last night after I left the bookstore.  

I looked at the time on my phone and realized it was morning. Shit. Aunt Margot must be worrying why I didn't come home last night. I sent her a message saying I'm fine and that I'm coming home. I got my keys from under the driver seat of my silver car and put them in the ignition.

I drove through the city of New Orleans where I saw crowds of poeple on the sidewalk. I still loved the different colors that this city held. It was memerizing. I turned to my street and pulled into the driveway of my aunt's house. I turned off the car and grabbed my book from the passenger seat. I opened my car door and ran inside the house.   

"Margot!" I yelled as I opened the door. "I'm home!"

She came running down the stairs as I closed the door behind me and threw the keys on the table. She ran up to me and put her arms around me tightly as it was like she was crushing all the bones from my body. As she was hugging me, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach as her neck was inches away from my mouth and I could smell the blood in her veins. 

"Oh my god! Elora, where have you been!" she exclaimed. "I've been so worried about you." She released me from her grasp and I snapped out of my thoughts. She placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed me on the forehead. Margot looked at me with worry in my eyes and I felt bad for not telling her where I was last night.

"I'm sorry for not checking in with you, I was with Jackson" I lied. I was in no mood to tell her what really happened. I just wanted to sleep this headache away. I hate lying to Margot because she took me in when my parents died and I always been grateful for her. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have gotten through their deaths. 

She started walking to the kitchen and I followed behind her."Well I am glad you're home now, I made breakfast!" she smiled. 

I was in no mood to eat anything. I wanted to take a hot shower and sleep for a week to ease this pain in my head. "It looks good, but my head is throbbing so I'm going to sleep for a while." I told her.

"Okay, take some Advil and get some rest." she assured. I don't know what I would do without her. Margot has the same features as my mother: bright red hair, a rosy complexion and a smile that could light up the world. She was much smaller but they could pass as twins. I wish I could be as beautiful as them. 

"I will. Thank you, Mar." I smiled back at her. I headed upstairs and I felt like I was going to faint from this pain in my head. I took a quick shower and put on a grey tank top and shorts. I ran cold water on my face to cool off my burning face when I looked in the bathroom mirror. Why do I look so pale?

I went to my bedroom and the sunlight was beaming through the curtains. It was making my headache even worse as I wanted it to be dark. I closed the curtains and snatched the Advil bottle from my desk. I took two pills and got into my warm sheets and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I heard the sound of my phone going off and groaned at how loud it is. Why is it so loud? I looked at the caller ID and immediately answered the call. I rubbed my temples as the voice on the other line said "El, are you okay? You're aunt called me ten times to see where you were?" Jackson asked in a worried tone.

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