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Two weeks later...

I would never have thought in my entire life that I could feel this way towards someone else. A person that made my heart beat rapidly every time he was in my presence and made me forget to breathe. Ever since I met him, there was not a second that I wasn't thinking about him. He was a drug that I couldn't get enough of, and I was completely and utterly addicted. 

Sebastian was on top of me with his face inches away from mine and I could feel the warmth of him burn my skin. There was something about him this close to me that made shivers run up my spine. "Say it again." he whispered while his lips touched my collarbone leaving wet marks grazed on my skin.

I rolled my eyes as I tried to hide the smile that was forming on my lips from what he told me. He tilted his head up to face me as he stared at me with the darkest eyes the color of the night sky. I had both of my hands wrapped around his neck and his arms were on either side of me where I could see his muscles. 

He arched his eyebrows as he waited for me to say something but I wasn't about to give him what he wanted. Not yet, at least. I held his gaze for a long time as I finally spoke. "Sorry, I'm not that easily persuaded." I told him with a smile on my face. 

Sebastian moved one of his arms as he caressed my cheek gently which made me wonder what he was going to say. "Say it or I'm going to make you say it." he told me with a devilish smirk on his face which made me give in to whatever he wanted out of me. 

I paused for a moment as I used my vampire speed to turn him around so I was the one on top. "Well if you put it like that then I love you." I confessed while I bent down and placed my lips into his for a moment. It was a long, slow kiss that felt like it could go on for ages as my mind seemed to diminish the thoughts in my head. 

We pulled apart and I opened my eyes suddenly to see that he had a big smile on his face as we were inches apart from each other. "I like the sound of that." he admitted as his eyes were still closed while he leaned into a kiss again, but we were interrupted by someone knocking on the door to his room. 

I turned my head slightly and I wondered who could be knocking at his hour while I got off of Sebastian. I tried to get off from the bed but he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, leaving me to let out a giggle as he kept on kissing me. I tried to let go of his embrace to get the door but it was no use because I was trapped. "Sebastian, I have to get the door." I assured him. 

He pulled me closer as his hand moved across my chest which made my heart beat faster than ever. I looked over to him and I saw as he rolled his eyes while he finally let go of me. I turned around and put my feet on the cold hardwood floor and bent down to grab his shirt from the floor. I quickly put on the shirt and I stood up from where I was sitting and headed to the door. 

I turned the knob and opened the door forcibly to find Ellie standing on the other side. I widened my eyes for a second as she realized that I was barely wearing any clothes. She turned her serious expression into an evil smirk as she walked into the room. I had no idea what she was doing here as I barely even seen her since the funeral. 

I followed her as she stopped to stand in the middle of the room as I saw that Ellie had her hands in the back pockets of her jeans. "What are you doing here?" I questioned while I crossed my arms over my chest to cover myself. 

Suddenly, out of nowhere, my head started to feel fuzzy as it felt like I was going to pass out. I moved my hand to place it on my temple while I gripped onto the door handle with all my strength. All I could focus on was the feeling that I might collapse any second now. This was something that I never experienced before. 

I managed to look in front of me where Ellie was standing and I noticed that she had a worried expression on her face. Sebastian was still lying in his bed and he didn't seem to notice what was happening to me. But there was no way that I could say anything as the now fuzzy feeling turned into pain. The last thing I saw before closing my eyes and falling to the ground instantly was Sebastian and his sister running toward me. 

From Death to Life- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now