Ch. 13- Saving Them

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"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it the most?" Mark Twain

Song for the chapter: I will follow you into the dark- death cab for cutie

Christian's Point of View

All of us were seated at the small white porcelain table next to the large window as we waited for Elora and Sebastian to wake up. I could not sit any longer in the uncomfortable chair so I got up and walked over to Elora. I glanced at her as her eyes were closed and I noticed that blood streamed down her face. What is happening in that town?  I put my fingers through my messy black hair and looked over to where Ellie and Grace were seating. 

"Why is blood coming from her eyes?" I asked frantically. I saw that they looked at each other like they knew what was happening to her. Ellie got up from her chair and walked over to me as she gently put a hand on my shoulder. She looked at me with her bright violet eyes and I furrowed my brows in confusion because she did not look as worried as I was. 

"She's crying, Christian. Whenever us vampires are sad, we cry blood." she admitted. I looked at her in shock for a second before glancing back at Elora. I noticed that the crimson pouring out of her eyes was the same color as her hair and I wondered what she is going through at this exact moment. Even though I hated Sebastian, I still hoped he would protect her from the dangers of that town. After a week, Elora and I have become fast friends and I honestly don't want her to die again because she is the only person who understands me. Sure, Amelia accepts me for who I am but she never fully understands me for how lonely I can get. 

I glanced back at Ellie and she still had the look in her eyes that told me that everything was going to be okay. "Why is she crying?" I questioned in a deep voice.

"It's a sad place where the dead can walk. It must have gotten to her." Ellie assumed. I looked back at Elora and shook my head. I can't imagine what it's like for her in there. 

"How much time do we have left?" Grace asked as she stood up from her chair. I checked the stopwatch that Elora was holding and I furrowed my brows. I turned my head to face them and I looked at them with worry.

"Not enough." I whispered. I watched as Grace bowed her head as she started biting her nail. She was pacing back and forth and I gave Ellie a questioning look. She shrugged her shoulders and put her focus on Grace.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"They're supposed to be back by now." she admitted. Now my heart started to beat faster because if Grace is getting worried that they might not make it, then we all should be worried. I glanced at Elora again and it made me remember how she looked at Sebastian before she fell asleep. It was as if she forgot all about how he turned her into a monster. My blood boiled at the image of Sebastian ripping out her throat and throwing her to the ground like she was nothing. 

I still could see the image of him licking his blood-filled mouth and smiling like it was the most delicious blood he has ever tasted. I mean, turning into a vampire has made me look at things in a different perspective. Now I know why Elora have been having such a hard time with her transformation. It's like there is a hunger inside of me that never seems to go away. No matter how much blood I drink, I will always want more. 

"They'll come back soon." Ellie reassured. She formed a small smile on her lips which made me do the same because she is always looking on the bright side of things. 

"They better." I said as my smile dropped and I crossed my arms over my chest.  I was getting a little thirsty so I walked over to the small table where the glass of blood was located. I opened the cap and poured the dark crimson liquid into the glass and took a sip of the blood. It had a sweet taste to it as I drank it. I walked over to where I was seated before and sat down as I waited for Elora and Sebastian to wake up. 

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