Chat #16

597 24 5

Fifth update of the day feelin good!


Shawn🕶: ladies and gentlemen's im boardf

Justin🧠: Yo you okay bro?

Shawn🕶: od carse i okey

Normani💄: yep he's drunk

Camila🍌: justin can you go check on him?

Justin🧠: sure


Justin🧠: uhh I don't think he's okay he keeps screaming out your name Camila, but Hailey is sitting on top of him

Camila🍌: well try to stop him from drinking but I gotta go to sleep

Taylor🐈: he's dating Hailey now?!

Noah🥗: hold up you didn't know?

Ariana💋: if we did why would we ask you?

Cameron🍕: Guys camilas dating Antonio and Shawn's dating Hailey shawmila is slowly dying

Taylor🐈: by at least I have my JELENA

Zendaya🏆: JELENA is stronger than EVER!!

Selena❤️: thanks guys

Justin🧠: I gotta go out Shawn to sleep talk to you guys later

Noah🥗: what does camilas boyfriend look like?

Lauren🚬: he could probably turn you gay so I don't think you should see him

Cameron🍕: okay.. but guys can I add in my girlfriend?

Everyone: go ahead

added in Giorgia🍦

Cameron🍕: these are friends I've been telling you about babe

Giorgia🍦: hi

Everyone: hellooo

added in Antonio🗝, and Hailey👙

Dinah🤙🏼: don't even ask why I have their numbers, I have my ways

Hailey👙: hey bitchesss

Selena❤️: hi

Hailey👙: I know why Shawn is dating me, because he wants to get Camila back and I wanna help since I know they're perfect for each other

Ariana💋: you just called us a bitch, now you're saying you wanna help us?

Hailey👙: sorry it's just a natural instinct

Zendaya🏆: whatever but Camila doesn't seem jealous

Antonio🗝: um what are you guys talking about?

Ally🌸: nothing at all we were just making an inside joke

Antonio🗝: oh ok

Hailee🖥: sooo why do you want to be with Camila?

Antonio🗝: because she was extremely nice to me and her mind works really well

Zendaya🏆: and what do you think about her looks?

Antonio🗝: I think she's beautiful and she can be hot if she wants to be

Dinah🤙🏼: have you tried to make a move?

Antonio🗝: I have but she said she wasn't ready and I respect that

Camila🍌: guys what the heck?! I can't sleep

Antonio🗝: it's okay go back to sleep babe I'll turn off your phone

Hailey👙: CUTEEE I mean ew shawmila only!!

Antonio🗝: Guys camilas sleeping and she hasn't slept fully in a week so stop texting

Cameron🍕: you're with her right now?😏

Giorgia🍦: oooh lala

Dinah🤙🏼: that's my damn line!!!🙄

Adding some spice and drama to the story!!
Thanks to 4evercrushed for helping me shape out a little bit of the story!!

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