Chapter #50

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Please read the authors note at the end! It's important thank you!!❤️


As Justin and Selena got up to go change to get to the cafe where they were gonna meet up, Cameron and Giorgia had just pulled up into the cafe. Once they've all arrived they greeted each other and told their orders. After they got their drink they just sat and talked until they all agreed to go to the mall. When they arrived at the mall the girls split one way and the guys split another way. The girls went into Victoria Secrets while the men's went to a sports clothing wear.

"Guys wanna go prank the girls?" Niall suggested, rubbing his hands together acting like an evil witch that he is.

"Mind being more specific?" Shawn asked.

"Let's all text them and say we've been kidnapped and that we need their help, let's go hide nearby the store," Niall explained.

They all agreed and went off to their hiding spots. first Cameron texted his girlfriend then later on Shawn, Niall, followed by Justin. A few minutes later after getting their replies that consisted of panic they saw the girls furiously running out of the store looking around profusely. They tried to keep in all their giggles. Normani ran out of the mall with the girls following her, then Shawn ran after them leading to the way to where the girls were. They saw them standing there with confused faces since they still saw no sign of anything. Camila looked down
at her phone waiting for a reply she never got.

"Guys where could they be?!" Leigh asked them worried.

"Guys it's ok calm down I mean come one who would go around kidnapping 3-5 men's that look oddly buff?" Hailee questioned and stated using common sense.

Noah couldn't keep it in seeing their worried faces so he accidentally busted into a fit of laughter! The girls turned around with a shocked expression on their faces. Ally seemed furious seeming as she was the mother to the group chat she was the most worried and mad about how they could've joked around so much.

"If you guys are ever really in trouble don't bother asking me to help you!" Ally yelled angrily.

"Guys calm down it was just a little prank to make you guys more giddy about today!" Cameron said raising his hands up high in surrender to Ally.

They all laughed it off and went to get ice cream nearby. They all laughed around talking, kissing, scolding, which consisted of Camilas Dad jokes. They all had the best time ever and couldn't have wished for better friends.

"I love you guys I hope I'll see you guys AND the viewers again in part 2!" Jesy and Dinah yelled in unison.



Omg! Thank you guys so much for reading this book holy grail!! But seriously thank you! I won't be publishing my chapter book that I've been working on, because I feel like I won't be able to consistently update it on time so I'm gonna make a part 2 in a month or so. So that way I can jot down a few chapters and get a head start thanks for understanding and I hope I'll see the same and new people in book number 2!!!
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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