Chat #33

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Girls Group Chat

Selena❤️: Mila let's get straight to the point, do you like Shawn?

Camila🍌: no

Hailee🖥: well why did you leave the face time half an hour early huh?

Camila🍌: I just wanted to go

Zendaya🏆: dammit just when I thought shawmila would be back you ruin it

Camila🍌: there is no shawmila but there is a new song HAILEEE

Hailee🖥: oh yeah I have a new song guys woohoo

Ariana💋: why do you sound like your mom made you publish it?

Hailee🖥: I don't know I just feel like the song connects to me so much, I didn't even want to release it but I guess I had to

Taylor🐈: but it sounds great though

Hailee🖥: thanks!

Perrie🍀: and girl those runs!! THOSE DAMN RUNS!!

Jade🎨: babe calm down

Giorgia🍦: I'm normally not into those kind of songs but DAMN that song hit me right in the feels

Hailey👙: same though and congrats!! Did Niall do anything for u?😏

Hailee🖥: EW no and no

Camila🍌: what do u mean?

Normani💄: why does Camila have to be so damn innocent?!

Ally🌸: im allysus and even I know what y'all are talking about, also where's Dinah and Jesy?

Dinah🤙🏼: we're egging someone's house stop blowing up our phones

Ally🌸: you guys can get in BIG trouble for that stop that right now young lady

Jesy👊🏼: one more egg hold on

Lauren🚬: how many did you guys throw so far?

Jesy👊🏼: only 2 dozens

Zendaya🏆: ONLY?! You idiots

Cardi🍐: Camila I'm cutting to the point and no one can stop me, you like Shane and he likes you, you should kiss and marry then make babies WHY CANT YOU JUST DO THAT?!

Camila🍌: because I don't feel anything ok?! I've gotten out fo two relationships that have hurt me and made a huge impact on my life and it's NOT okay, I just don't want to get hurt again

Cardi🍐: do u trust Shawn?

Camila🍌: maybe

Cardi🍐: then you would trust him to not hurt you

Camila🍌: but I don't like him and that's the problem you can't help who you fall for and neither can you help who you don't fall for

Leigh👄: camila?

Camila🍌: yea?

Leigh👄: can you be my therapist?

Sorry I haven't updated in like 50 days, I just didn't feel like writing the past days but I'm feeling a bit more motivated now! Enjoy SORRY once again!!❤️

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