Chat #41

465 21 4

Selena❤️: I fucking live shawmilaaaa

Taylor🐈: but how come I saw pictures of Camila and Matthew coming out of a restaurant all giggly?

Shawn🕶: because they have to do a stupid publicity stunt or she'll get thrown off the record.

Justin🧠: that's so messed up

Camila🍌: but it's fine Shawn and I know that we love each other and hats all that matters now

Zendaya🏆: y'all looked amazing at the Brit's!!!! I heard it was your first time Camila how'd it go?

Camila🍌: it was actually really fun I also got to reunite with Simon cowell!!!

Shawn🕶: well mila and I have to go on a date byee

Justin🧠: Selena and I are busy

Normani💄: ugh I hate being single

Sorry once again!
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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