Chat #37

480 22 3

Group Chat

Hailey👙: who are yalls valentine?

Everyone Taken: My boyfriend/girlfriend

Dinah🤙🏼: don't rub it in to the single potato's here

Shawn🕶: exactly... where are you guys even going?

Normani💄: go to the store and buy myself chocolates

Shawn🕶: lmfao

Camila🍌: mat and I are going on a date

Shawn🕶: good. Next?

Zendaya🏆: Shawny boys jealous

Shawn🕶: yes veeeerryy jealous

Hailee🖥: what's up with you today

Camila🍌: acting like he is all the time

Shawn🕶: yea says you

Camila🍌: honestly how the hell is it my fault that I end up falling for someone else?!

Shawn🕶: that's not it!! I can't believe you've just forgotten me that easily! Whilst I'm over here hanging on to you for dear life

Camila🍌: well I'm sorry that you still have feelings for me! It's not my damn fault that you do and neither is it my fault that I don't like you anymore

Shawn🕶: fuck this.

Camila🍌: if you actually did love me then you would've let me move on and be happy isn't that what you said? Just for me to be happy? Now what happened what changed your mind huh?!

Shawn🕶: don't talk to me again

Shawn🕶, has left
The Group Chat

Camila🍌: jesus fucking Christ

Camila🍌, has left
The Group Chat

Taylor🐈: .... ho... ly SHIT

Cameron🍕: wtf just happened?!

Selena❤️: what the hell?! They've never been this mad before!

Leigh👄: dear God this is scary

Perrie🍀: at least Jerrie ain't like that

Jade🎨: what if we become like that?!?! 😱😱 they were so In love just like us 😱😱 OMGGG

Justin🧠: Perrie calm her down

Ariana💋: nooo my OTP ship is gone

Noah 🥗: guys were such bad friends what should we do?!

Cardi🍐: try to find a way to show them that they don't mean it... all of that argument was definitely out of anger

Ally🌸: but don't make it so directed you guys talk to Shawn in the boys chat we'll talk to mila

Everyone: sounds good


I have no idea what I wrote but I like it 👍🏼
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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