Chapter #28

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Published: 9:19 January 30th

Hailey was currently sitting outside the hotel room Shawn was staying in, waiting for her friends to arrive. Once she got the text that they were in the elevator of the hotel she quickly stood up and went to them. "Guys I need help, and I know I'm sorry I gave him drugs, but I just wanted him to feel better, but right now he's trashed the whole hotel room," Hailee said whilst panicking.

"What even happened?!" Camila asked, yelling.
"I don't know all do a sudden he just started having a mental breakdown," Hailey replied, while opening the door for them to go in. When she opened the door what the group saw was something no one had ever thought they would see Shawn in. He was currently on the edge of the bed with his hand covering his eyes. "Shawn they're here," Haley said.
"Who's here?" He asked obviously hurt heard in his voice. "Us," Hailee replies knowing he knew who they were. "I'm not looking," he replied stubbornly.
"Shawn look up," camila said, he finally agreed once he heard Camilas voice. He had puffy red eyes and you could clearly see the veins since he was crying too much, they tried comforting him and asked him a few questions about the drugs and other I things.

While this was all unfolding, Little Mix and a few other people were celebrating the end of their tour. They had a party by the poolside, sort of like a pool party. They only needed a few people to go see Shawn. Perrie and Jesy were keeping up with the group chat to see if he was okay, informing the others every now and then.

The people who went to help comfort Shawn had to also get ready for the Grammys coming up tomorrow including Shawn himself. Currently they were all cuddled up in Shawn and Haileys hotel room, when Camila got a text. She had hoped it was from Antonio since she hadn't talked to him in a while lately. When she looked at her phone she saw that it was from an unknown number, Camila opened up the text and she saw a horrifying picture. It was Antonio kissing a girl Camila guessed was the one who sent her this picture, her eyes starting swelling up with tears. She quickly wiped them and excused herself to the bathroom, breaking more and more within each step she took. Once she got into the bathroom she completely broke down, she knew she was being too loud but at this point it was the least of her problems. Camila kept on crying and crying, without even noticing she was in there for about 30 minutes. She then heard a knock. "Camila I k ow you're crying, is everything alright?" A soft voice asked, it was Shawn. "Everything's fine I -I I just wa-wanna go home," stuttering? Great job Camila. "Come put everyone already left, come out and tell me what happened you can't just hide forever it kinda is my hotel room," he replied concerned, Camila knew he was right so she cleaned herself up and walked out not making eye contact with him whatsoever. Even though Camila was in a horrible state, she was covered in sweat and tears mascara running down her face Shawn still thought she was an angel. " stay here with me," Shawn said as he broke the silence. "No, where is Hailey anyways?" Camila asked confused. "I told you already we didn't have anything going on I just pretended to date her again to make you jealous, me and her both know we're better off being friends, but what happened to you?" "Antonio cheated on me..." her voice quiet and obviously hurt. "He's an ass you deserve someone better," Shawn attempted, trying to comfort her. "Thanks Shawn, but I really need to go we have the Grammys tomorrow," she tried. "I'm going to the Grammys as well I can drop you off at your dressing room," Shawn argued. "Fine," she said rolling her eyes knowing it was wrong since he was only trying to help.

They ended up going to get pizza, since Shawn knew Camila wouldn't feel comfortable with only the two of them acknowledging she had just got out of a relationship, he decided for Andrew, his manager to tag along with them. They had pizza down the street, and it was amazing, it definitely made Camila feel a lot better, she also hadn't talked to Antonio since. She wanted to see if Antonio would tell her or not.

After they were done eating Shawn being a gentleman offered to pay.

Once Camila got back she went to her hotel to pick up her clothes. When she opened the door she encountered Antonio there. "Hey babe," he said normally giving Camila a kiss on the cheek. Camila just pushed him away and got her clothes then ran off meeting Shawn outside. Antonio opened the door and saw Camila and Shawn talking. "Why are you ignoring me? Where are you going?" Antonio asked. "You asshole you cheated on me," Camila yelled. "No I-I ho-how did y-you kn-know?" "Were you planning on telling me?" Camila asked tearing up once again. Antonio stayed silent. "Get out of my hotel room, I don't want to see you again," she said. "Mila I'm sorry I really am," he tried. "No just leave me alone, when I come back tomorrow I expect you to be gone," Camila said slamming the door shut in his face. "You ready?" Shawn asked, after patiently waiting for the argument to go down. Then it was like a lightbulb lit on the top of his head. She was single. She was single. She was single. That kept repeating over and over in his head.

Once they arrived at Shawn's place they got cuddled up and watched a couple of movies until she fell asleep, Shawn was still awake though checking through his phone, he came across a picture of them at the pizza place together, and thanked God that it he tagged Andrew along. He shut off his phone and kept repeating one phrase until he fell asleep. She was single


Shawmila is getting better because they reunited irl!! I would appreciate if you voted!😁

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