Chat #45

459 19 4

Texts Between

Justin🧠: are you serious?! I didn't do it jesus! I've told you many times

Selena❤️: yes you did you asshole I caught you

Justin🧠: why because of the texts on my damn phone?! How do you know it actually happened ?! Do you not trust me??

Selena❤️: I trustED you by you made me lose that trust in you, many times

Justin🧠: you know what?! Screw it if you can guest me then what's the point of me dating you anyways?

Selena❤️: my mother was right I shouldn't have dated you omg he first place I shouldn't have gave you a second chances... should've know mothers are always right

Justin🧠: what can I do to prove you that I didn't fucking do anything?!

Selena❤️: nothing I'm done with you. You better not tell the whole fucking world about some fake ass lies about me, and you better not let out friends now

Justin🧠: I can tell whoever I want to

Selena❤️: no you can't this relationship is mine as well not just yours which means I have the right to

Justin🧠: why are you so damn paranoid of the little text

Selena❤️: you don't get it Justin

Justin🧠: don't get what?

Selena❤️: I'm pregnant you dick and that's why I was paranoid I wanted a father to my kid and I don't even know if they'll get one

Justin🧠: holy shit... um... fuck is it mine?

Selena❤️: of course it is not cheating on you you are


Selena❤️: whatever I have to go talk later cheater

Justin🧠: 🙄 fine.


Plot Twist!!
-Priscilla 👃🏼

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