23: Who's getting his ass kicked?

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Rosie's Pov

"How was your date with Owen?" Hannah asked, her face upward facing the sun with eyes closed.

"It was nice. He's nice." I smiled remembering last night before Kyle ruined it by his bipolar attitude.

"Judging by your smile, someone had fun." Amelia teased bumping her shoulders with mine.

I closed the book I was reading as it was leisurely laying on my lap and my thoughts drifting the scene I had scene before I joined Amelia and Hannah.

My mind elsewhere, swimming in the thoughts of a certain brown eyed guy who didn't return back to dorm last night.

"Oh." Amelia exclaimed suddenly smacking her forehead.

"What's wrong?" I raised an eyebrow at her and Hannah did the same.

"Kyle forgot his keys at our apartment, I need to give him these." Saying this, Amelia pulled out Kyle's motorcycle keys from her cut off shorts pocket.

"Call him?" Hannah suggested in a duh tone.

"I did but he's didn't pick up his call." Amelia said with her eyes furrowed.

"Try again. Maybe he will pick up now." Hannah said with a light shrug of her shoulders.

Amelia pulled her phone out from her pocket and dialled his number. She put it on speaker as it rang until it reached his voicemail making her sigh.

"He won't pick up." I remembered where I had seen him a few minutes back making me shake my head as my thoughts started filling up with the two of them- Kyle and Sasha.

Just perfect.

Sasha was perfect in every way. No matter what Kyle thought or said about her, beauty always makes people blindside their pooplike personality. Sad but true.

I at least thought Kyle wouldn't be one among that kind of people.

"What do you mean, he won't?" Amelia mumbled dialling his number again.

I waited for the call to reach his voicemail again so that I could tell them why and that's what happened.

I scoffed when the call went to his voicemail again. "He is with Sasha so obviously he's busy." I didn't realise I sounded so harsh until I replayed my own words in my head.

"You saw him with her?" Hannah asked slowly, her face dubious and her tone cautious.

"Yes, I saw him before I met you guys." An unsettling feeling set inside of me when I saw them and even now as I thought about them being together.

"Was that why you were in such a bad mood?" Amelia asked, her tone soft and her face curious yet a knowing look on her face.

"I was not in a bad mood." I denied with an unbelievable huff thrown her way.

"Really? I remember someone saying 'if it were up to me, I would ban the boys of our college from mingling with the girls, especially in the hallways', clearly." Hannah threw my words back at me making me glare at her. I gave her the nastiest of glare that I save only for certain people and for certain occasions.

She deserved it.

"Someone was clearly jealous." Amelia teased, her gleeful laugh reaching my ears.

"I was not, please. I don't have a reason to be. It's a free country, everyone is free to do what they like, they can talk with anyone they want, no one can stop the other from talking or kissing who they like-"

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