33: Sweet cheeks who?

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Rosie Pov

"Mama, I need to go. I got class." I groaned into the call, wanting her to end this discussion.

"Fine. But promise me you will bring Kyle home." I heard her determined voice and I knew better than to not do agree with what she says or else she would never end the call.

She had been bugging me about it and never leave an opportunity to remind me about it.

"I will, now bye." I huffed.

"Wait, if you need any kind of help, call Jim-"

"I won't need Jim. Bye." I cut her off rudely and ended the call. Regret set in me at my actions and I promised myself to call her and apologize but college gets over for the day.

"Who's Jim?" I jumped a little at the sudden noise near my ear.

I held my pounding heart and turned a little to see a not happy looking Kyle. He raised an eyebrow at me expectantly. "What?" I frowned at his weird behaviour.

"Who's Jim?" Kyle asked, his face hard and lips set in a thin line.

I mirrored his action and quirked at eyebrow at him. "Why do you wanna know?" I asked instead not understanding his odd behaviour and him getting all worked up at the mention of my bodyguard.

"Rose." Kyle said my name lowly, his tone warning and letting me know not to play around.

I huffed at his brooding form before throwing my hands up in the air. "He's my bodyguard."

At my words, relief crossed over his features, a small smile played on his lips and I rolled my eyes understanding his previous odd behaviour and mood.

"You were jealous of my bodyguard." I snorted making him shrug.

"I can't help it." Kyle mumbled with a warm smile on his lips as he held my shoulders and started walking towards our class- the one we have together.

"Stupid man." I remarked at his behaviour but he didn't seem effected by it.

"Why do you need a bodyguard though?" Kyle asked, his face masked in confusion and also worry.

"I know right. I am a big girl now." I waved it off. Kyle didn't look happy by my answer but I ignored it even though I knew what he actually wanted to know.

I was hoping he would drop the subject but he wanted to know more.

"Someone hurt you?" Kyle asked opening the door of the classroom for us. He let me walk in first and he followed suit.

I took a seat in the front row and Kyle sat beside me with a displeasing look on his face. He wasn't happy with the seat I chose but I like it.

"No one hurt me." I mumbled when I took note his unwavering stare on me, waiting for an answer.

"Then why bodyguard?" Kyle seemed confused.

"But that doesn't mean they never tried." I said smiling at him trying to ease him a little knowing he'd be freaking out by the news.

"What the hell?!" Kyle's face was set in a hard glare.

"Hey, it was long back and nothing happened since then." I reassured him, not wanting him to worry about it. Kyle didn't look happy but before he could say anything the professor walked in.

"We will talk about this later." Kyle whispered.

I desperately wanted to shake my head and say, no, we won't be but sitting in the first row, my movements were limited and I focused at the professor listening into his lecture as Kyle did the same.

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