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{3rd person}
The white colored orb flew towards the same place as the white blue orb. There was a boy, Ross. And a young girl. Maybe 5. She had long red hair. She was wearing a white shirt and skirt.
"Ross! I'm heading out!" She called from inside. The boy said bye and she left. The orb followed her as she headed into a town.

{??? POV}

I was walking to the bakery and bumped into a boy on accident. I fell.

"Watch were you're going." he said. He was about maybe ten and looked really mean. He had brown hair and a black themed outfit. I stood up and he pushed me back to the ground.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Shelby." I mutter out. He grabs my hair and lifts me back up.

"What was that?" he asked.

"S-Shelby." I say louder my voice filled with fear. He tosses me back to the ground. I attempt to get back up and get pushed back down again. A boy runs up and punches him in the face. He has dirty blonde hair and a green themed outfit. The brown haired boy gets mad and tries to punch the blonde haired boy but I push the boy who saved me to the ground and take the hit. The blonde haired boy grabs my hand and we run into an alleyway.

"I th-ink we lo-st hi-m." he says in between breaths. I nodded.

"Shelby." I say smiling.

"Cory." he says. He looks over at something down the alleyway. Still holding my hand he walks deeper into the alley dragging me along with him. When he stops we see two orbs of light. One black and the other white. The black one goes into Cory's chest and the white one goes into my chest. We are surrounded by a black and white light. Cory grips my hand tighter making me blush a little. When the light stops I see a camera mask in Cory's hand. He looks at me and points to my head. I take my free hand and feel the top of my head. The was something up there. I look to a nearby puddle of water from where it was raining earlier and see a white paper crown on my head. I look back over to Cory who has put his mask on.

"What happened?'" I ask. He shrugs and lets go of my hand blushing. I frown missing the warmth of his hand.

"We should get going. Chad should be gone." He says.

"Who's Chad?" I ask following out of the alleyway.

"The jerk who punched you. Why did you save me?" he asks.

"Because you saved me." I tell him smiling. He nods and we part ways.

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