**Chapter 11**

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Ignore Will in pic above

I've published another book! It's called Colours and it's a hybrid fanfic! Go read it if you like this book!

{Previously ~ "Ok so lets get started!" Lizzie said.}

{3rd person}

Over the next two weeks the kids had been practicing their powers. It was about nightfall on the 13th day when they were close to the island. Granted it would still take a while but they were told to go back to the 'underbelly' of the ship. Now they were just conversing on their beds. Yammy and Scott were in a nursing room and Joel and Lizzie were cleaning the mess on the deck, leaving the 9 kids alone.

"I'm tired!" Red said with a yawn.

"I think we all are." Aph said.

"Nah I feel like I could take on a bull!" Adam shouted with confidence putting his hands up in a fighting pose.

"Idiot." Cory mumbled.

"Your just jealous!" Adam said sticking his tongue out. Cory mimicked pulling down his eyelids with his fingers. Adam laughed.

"Ew. What are you doing?!" Shelby asked disgusted.

"What this?" Adam said copying Cory's previous actions and shoving his face towards Shelby. She gagged and turned around. Cory and Adam laughed letting go of their faces.

"Shubs you good?" Ross mumbled.

"It talks." Max said. Ross' face turned a slight pink and he turned away.

"He's just shy." Shelby said turning back to the group defending Ross.

"I think we'd know that by now." Red said teasingly.

"Well he'll open up eventually." Shelby said.

"I hope so! I mean I don't wanna make enemies here if I have to spend like eternity here with you guys!" Aph said.

"It's not gonna bes an eternitys." Barney said.

"Close enough. Five years is a long time! Plus we are the 'new heros' of the world." Aph said.

"Eh. I don't like the word 'hero'. I mean we haven't even saved anything and people won't even know we exist." Cory said.

"I don't think people are supposed to know we exist." Jin said.

"Yeah I'd hate the attention." Shelby said.

"I'd just like to stick to this group!" Red said smiling.

"Yeah. We made a pact!" Shelby said grinning ear to ear. The others nodded.

"And I don't intend to break it." Adam said. The answers from the others were a mixture of 'yeahs' and 'yeps'.

"Why do you think we're going to The Island of Screams?" Jin asked curiously.

"Maybe to help with Yammy or like to get reinforcements." Cory said.

"Why would we need reinforcements?" Shelby asked.

"Did you see that guy? Plus he's got Lizzie and Joel's friends plus a giant sea monster!" Max said.

"Yeahs buts we're stills not sure whats were doing." Barney said.

"Yeah." Cory said. They heard footsteps and the door to the room opened up and Lizzie came down.

"You guys need to go to sleep we arrive at the island tomorrow." Lizzie said and left. The kids got ready for bed and mumbled good nights to each other and went to sleep.

-In The Morning-

Lizzie had shut off the navigation system and Joel had let go of the anchor. They were finally at The Island of Screams. They could cure Yammy and hopefully get some information. It was daybreak and she looked over the island. It looked like their island but it was bigger and had no structures. The Grand Host's base was all underground. Lizzie stopped admiring and went to wake up the kids. Yammy was getting worse by the day and needed help. Fast. Opening the door to the below decks (had to look that up) she walked in. All nine kids were fast asleep. There was a bell on the wall of the room and Lizzie had been using it to wake up the kids. She rung the bell a few times and eventually got all the kids up.

"Were here." She said and left them to get ready. After 10 minutes everyone was upstairs and ready. They had walked upstairs and gazed at the beauty of the island.

{Ross' POV}

The island was beautiful and I could tell everyone else thought so too.

"Ok quit staring, it's quite rude." We heard a voice say. It didn't sound like anyone we knew and we turned to look. There on the beach was a rusted robot with glowing red eyes.

"Who are you?" Adam questioned seriously.

"Why, I am the Grand Host of Wind!" The robot said and we heard a screeching sound at the end that was probably meant to be a laugh.

"I'm joking man, I'm Graser!" He yelled.

"Graser!" We heard another voice call.

"Great.." He mumbled.

"What are you doing?!" A man asked coming out of a bush. He had a full beard and looked like a lumberjack.

"I'm sorry I was lonely talking to you guys." Graser said to the man.

"You are supposed to be on patrol!" The man said.

"Can you guys stop yelling!" We heard Lizzie call.

"What?" Graser and the man both asked looking back up at the boat. Lizzie had stood next to us and watched the fight.

"Lizzie?!" The man asked surprised.

"Yes, now let me get the new hosts down." She said as the man nodded. Graser stood behind him trying not to laugh. We followed Lizzie down a platform that we used to get on the boat and we walked over the two men.

"Now can you watch them while I get the rest." Lizzie said walking off.

"There's more?!" the man asked.

"No I need to get Joel and Yammy etc." Lizzie said going back on the boat. There was silence for a bit until the man had spoken up.

"I'm Liam but call me H." He said. We all told him our names with Shelby telling him my name.

"Wait, Shelby?" Graser asked. Shelby looked slightly confused and nodded. Graser studied her and shook his head.

"Nevermind its not you." He said obviously disappointed.

"Who was it?" Shelby asked curiously.

"Well along time ago I married a woman named Shubble. We were happy and we had a child named Grace. A few years later when Grace was a teenager Shubble I had to leave for the Grand hosts. Grace had sent me letters and told me about her daughter, Shelby." He said sadly.

"Oh well my mom's name isn't Grace." Shelby said. Lizzie came down shortly with Joel, Scott, and Yammy.

"She looks messed up." H commented as he looked upon Yammy. Lizzie nodded.

"Well you've probably been out on sea for a while let's take you back to our base." Graser said walking off. H motioned for us to follow him and we did.

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