~~Chapter 5~~

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{Previously ~ Joel nodded and sent the 9 to their rooms.}

-The Next Morning-

{Joel's POV}

I wake up my head pounding. I slowly reach for the light in my hut and flick the switch illuminating the dark room. I get out of the comfort of my bed and get ready for the day. I put on my black cloak and head out of my hut. Stepping into the brightness of the sun I cover my eyes and start heading the where the kids sleep. As I reach their dock my gut tells me to go back but I ignore seeing as what happened the last time I followed my gut it didn't end well. I start going through and waking them up. All of them coming out with tired faces. I wake up the last person and we all hear an ear piercing scream waking all of them up completely. I rush over to the scream the kids following me.

"What's happeni--" I say when I realize the severity of the scene in front of me. My friend Oli covered in dried blood on his tux, his panda hat still on his messy brown hair. His eyes no longer brown but his eye is covered in black. In front of him is Yammy on the ground being covered in darkness. I stand in shock as Lizzie and Scott arrive.

"OLI, YAMMY!" Lizzie screams sending me back to reality. She rushes to Yammy as Oli slowly fades to nothing. I lunge at him before he's fully gone and land on the deck making a crack noise. Lizzie slowly tries to drain the darkness using her light but it only works a little bit. I get up and walk over kneeling beside her. I place my hand on Yammy's arm and the darkness drains off her faster and into me. Lizzie with tears in her eyes looks at me in shock.

"JOEL! You can't do that!" Lizzie shouts.

"I know but we can't lose another. Last I checked I was in charge ok? I make the rules. I can do what I want." I say in a meaner tone than usual. Lizzie looks at me in shock and nods.

"But, you might--" Lizzie started but broke into sobs grabbing my sleeve.

"Scott take the kids to their huts we'll train later." I say. Scott nods and escorts the kids back to their huts. With Yammy still on the ground passed out from the darkness I try to calm Lizzie down.

"Lizzie I'm sorry I snapped at you." I say.

"Y-you could d-die if you d-do that again." she says sobs breaking some of her words. I hug her and she stops crying.

"I know but-- Let's just get Yammy to her bed, ok?" I say. She nods and I let go of her. I pick Yammy up and head to her hut Lizzie right next to me. When we get there I place Yammy on her bed and walk out.

"Lets get the white room ready for training, ok?" I ask Lizzie. She nods and we head in to the small castle.

{Cory's POV}

Joel just... He drained the black stuff from Yammy.. Scott was taking us back to our huts or rooms whatever they like to call them. I'm supposed to be death. Joel was death.. I think? What did Lizzie mean when she said he could do something. What did she mean?

"Cory you ok?" My thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched voice. I turned to look at the holder of the voice and see Shelby with a concerned look on her face. I nod.

"I'm fine. Just wondering if Yammy is gonna be alright." I half lie. I mean I did want to know if she was ok but I didn't want Shelby to worry about what I thought I might be able to do when I become the next death. I still can't believe it. I mean we have powers and we have to save the world from darkness. Who just accepts that?! I don't.

"Ok what was that?" Max asks Scott. Scott starts to look more uncomfortable than he did.

"You will learn soon." He said.

"Ok so if we're supposed to stay here for the next who knows how long you can at least tell us what going on!" Max said starting to get angry. Scott stopped and so did the rest of us.

"Fine. We'll go see Joel so he can tell you. I'm not very good at explaining." He said. He started heading towards the castle with us following.


When we arrive in the white room Lizzie and Joel are cleaning. Scott knocks on the wall gaining their attention. They stop cleaning and the table appears again.

"They wanna know." Scott says. Joel nods.

"I suppose telling them now is better than ever." He says motioning to the table. We sit down and Joel stands at the head of the table.

"Ok so what do you wanna know?" He asks.

"Everything." Max says like it was and obvious answer. Joel nods.

"A long time ago me and my friends were chosen to be the protectors of the world. Although we weren't all strangers we didn't talk a lot unless necessary afraid we would hurt each other. When we started to get the hang of our powers we talked a lot more knowing we could trust each other not to accidently hurt one another. But we had an argument one day. It wasn't a life changing argument but I got angry and stormed off. I was so mad I thought of leaving which I know as impossible because no one can know we exist. So I stayed but I did something that night that forever cursed us. I was so angry I created a dark storm hoping to destroy all living life. I wanted to be the only thing left in my dark puddle of despair and darkness. I realized my mistake after I did it. A dark figure came to me when I was done, congratulating me. It turns out that he was the one who made me make the darkness not my anger. He just made it worse. He took the darkness I made and disappeared. I couldn't take it back. I headed back and told the rest of us and he appeared again. He tainted 6 of us and they became sick. We tried taking care of them until I found out I could take the darkness back. I got rid of the darkness from two of them, Scott and Sasha. The rest faded out when I tried to do it to them. We tried looking for them but no luck. The five of us were the only ones left. Five years ago the rest of the team came back all of them covered in dried blood and with black eyes. They took Sasha. We took the rest of the powers and sent the orbs to you. They killed all our guards and we haven't found more. But they sent a message saying in ten years from then they would come back killing all living things on the planet." Joel explained. We sat there wide-eyed.

"Anything else?" He asked. Max sat still and shook his head no.

"What was the argument about?" Shelby asked. Joel shifted.

"I don't remember. Lizzie?" He questioned.

"Uhh... It was about our to plan to attack the sea monster that was killing countless humans. It disappeared after the figure tainted the rest of the team." She said.

"Do you think they have it?" Scott asked.

"Definitely." Lizzie and Joel both said.

{I'm going to try to post another chapter by the end of the weekend.}

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