"Chapter 20"

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{Lizzie's POV}

It's been a few months since the darkness came. The teens have been working hard to fix the castle, with a little help from us. We had all caught up and we had decided that it was time to leave them. Sure they were only 15 but they can handle themselves. Plus, we've taught them all the basic needs to survive here.

I smiled as I followed Joel into the training room where the teens were fixing up the dummy's and cleaning.

"We have an announcement!" Joel said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards us.

"We are leaving to another island!" I said. The kids looked at us in disbelief.

"But, we need you!" Aph said.

"You defeated the darkness on your own I think you'll be fine. Plus, here." Joel said tossing Adam a small white box.

"What is it?" He asked inspecting it.

"A communication device. I think it's called a Walky-Talky. Stupid name, I know, but it was just recently invented and we got a few." Joel said. He then walked over and showed them how it works.

"So I just hit this button and speak?" Adam asked as Joel nodded.

"When are you leaving?" Max asked.

"Tonight." I stated. Shelby walked up and wrapped her arms around me.

"Have fun without us." She said. Soon enough everyone was in a big group hug. Everyone wrapping their arms around each other. Everyone eventually let go.

"Wait! Lizzie I need to talk to you! In private." Shelby said grabbing my hand. Shelby and I exited to room.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Ok so when I was with Cory I said something to him. 'The black moon rises in the east.' Do you know what that means?" Shelby asked.

"Black moon? I remember reading something about that. I don't know now but when we get to the new island the place we are staying has a giant library and I could read up on it if you'd like." I said.

"I'd appreciate it." She said.

{Adam's POV}

Shelby and Lizzie came back into the room after I was done testing the Walky-Talky.

"I get it now!" I said enlightened. Aph giggled.

"We have to leave." I heard Lizzie tell Joel.

"Well were leaving guys!" Joel said.

"Bye!" We all said together. They left and we were silent for a few minutes.

"So about Shelby and Cory?" Aph asked suspiciously. Said people's face lit up like a cherry.

"What about it?" Cory asked tugging his newfound cloak around his body.

"Maybe an explanation of what happened a few months ago?" Max said wriggling his eyebrows.

"N-nothing! I mean I don't know what you're talking about." Shelby said glancing at Cory.

"You do know!" I shouted pointing at her.

"So, has you relationship escalated?" Ross asked eyeing Cory.

"Uh...." Cory started.

"Nope!" Shelby said stepping in front of Cory.

"Corby!" Aph shouted.

"W-what?" Cory asked.

"Your ship name duh!" She stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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