<>Chapter 16<>

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{Previously ~ "Cory?!"}

{3rd person}

Nick ran to Cory and Cory did the same. They latched onto each other for dear life.

"I thought you were dead!" Nick shouted, crying. Cory rubbed circles on his back and tried to calm him down.

"What?" Joel said confused.

"Oh, sorry! We knew each other.." Cory said letting go of Nick. Joel nodded understanding.

"How do you guys know each other?" Red asked.

"Um.. We lived next door to each other!" Nick said a little too fast.

"Uh! I think we should all go to bed! Yah, it's been a long day for all of us!" Shelby said just as Joel was about to question Nick's answer. Nick smiled gratefully.

"Yah, that'll be good!" Lizzie said stretching her arms.

"Wait! Shelby can you come here for a second?" Red asked.

"Uh yeah sure." Shelby said walking over. In a flash Red took a peice of Shelby's hair.

"Hey!" Shelby shouted.

"Sorry but it's the last ingredient!" Red called.

"What?" Lizzie asked.

"A strand of red from life! Shelby has red hair and she's the element of life!" Red called proudly.

"We have everything!" Scott called putting his feather on the ground. Graser placed his beans next to the feather. Red placed Shelby's hair down as well. Will pulled a peice of dried kelp from his pocket and placed it on the ground too. Joel rushed off to get Yammy. He came back and she was giggling like a 3 year old.

"Lizzie?" Joel asked.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"Make the potion!" Joel shouted. Lizzie nodded and put her hands out in front of her. A bright pink glow came from her hands and the items flew into the air. Suddenly images started to appear behing the items. Behind the beans a large beanstalk started to grow and form. A mermaid had started to cirlce the kelp. A horse with wings had started to gallop around the feather. And an image of Shelby appeared next to her hair. The images dissapeared and the items started spinning in a circle. The glow brightened and the items combined.

A cookie fell from the air and landed in Lizzie's open palm.

"Here, Yammy, eat." She said putting it near her mouth. Yammy grabbed it and chomped on it happily. After the cookie was gone she froze. Yammy started coughing and she threw up.

"Did I just eat hair?!" Yammy called looking disgusted. Lizzie laughed and hugged her.

"You're back!" Lizzie called happily. Yammy laughed and nodded.

"I think we should really go to bed now." H said. Everyone nodded and went back to sleep for the night.

In the morning the set off to return the Grand Hosts and go back home.


It's been five years since Jin died. Five years since Nick was added to the group. The nine had grown a strong bond and some even developed crush's on their teammates. They had many adventures and run ins with Lizzie's old team but they managed. No one else had died and they planned to keep it that way. They had all seen Jin's ghost here and there but it was mainly Nick.


"Hey guys?" 16 year old Cory asked.

"Yeah?" Red asked. They were currently sitting in their living space after a hard day of training. The adults had gone to do stuff so it was just the nine hanging out together.

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