14. "DRUNK"

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Not just the type of drunk where you throw up off and on all night and see the sunrise. Not the kind of drunk where you do something stupid and then remember it the next day. No, Taryn was the kind of drunk where you act off instinct and won't remember a single thing you did, the next day. She was blackout drunk. And so was a certain Denmark goaltender.

It was the groups first full day in Cabo, so they spent it drinking, partying and going back and forth from the pool to the beach. After a long day of that, everyone split up to get ready for dinner. Once that was all done, they found their way down to the bar by the pool.

"Hey," Freddie slid into the empty seat beside the brunette at the bar.

Taryn had just downed her third tequila shot, already quite tipsy from the day of drinking. "Hey," she smiled widely.


"I want to talk to you about somethin'," Taryn interrupted, sliding a tequila shot across the counter to the ginger.

Freddie couldn't help but laugh at the British girl, finding her thick accent adorable and sexy. "I'm all ears," he nodded casually before downing the shot quickly.

Taryn stared in amazement at the goaltender, watching as his adams apple bobbed from the burning substance. Freddie grimaced before shaking his head, giving his full attention to the girl.

Taryn swallowed harshly, diverting her gaze from Freddie to the group of hockey players with Steve and his wife playing either pool or pingpong off to the side. She sighed heavily, before finding Freddie's gaze once more. "It's never occurred to me that my flirting might make you uncomfortable. Does it make you uncomfortable? Because if it does, I'll stop."

Freddie seemed shocked at the question, his head cocking back in surprise. His surprise soon faded into something else, a smile glued to his lips. "No, not at all... It's cute."

Taryn tried to hide the satisfied smile on her face as she nodded happily, bringing the margarita she had ordered to her lips. "Hm, cute..."

Freddie's cheeks reddened, and it certainly wasn't from the sun. "Shut up," he mumbled as he brought the drink the bartender just placed in front of him, to his lips. After Taryn had tipped the man, he had automatically kept the drinks flowing for her and anyone she associated with.

The two fell into a comfortable silence, giving each other quick glances whenever the other wasn't paying attention.

That day, the two talked a lot. They sat beside each other at dinner, recommending certain things on the menu. They had laid beside each other at the pool, they had sat in the pool together and they had even gone parasailing together. It was safe to say the two had gotten close.

Taryn's love for Freddie had obviously grown as she got to know the man, loving how funny he was after he stopped being so shy.

To Freddie, his attraction to Taryn wasn't apparent. He still didn't know how he felt about the girl, however after getting to know her, it was safe to say Freddie enjoyed her presence. And he couldn't deny he was attracted to her looks and humour.

It was for those reasons the two ended up ditching the bar many tequila shots and margaritas later. Giggly Taryn guided a smily Freddie behind a bush before crashing her lips against his.

The two stayed there kissing for a few minutes before they wanted to take it one step further.

The brunette stumbled back as if she forgot they were behind a bush, that being a terrible support beam. She awkwardly started to fall back into the bush before Freddie's quick goalie reflex's kicked in and grabbed her.

Taryn was breathing heavily as the goaltender steadied the drunk girl. Freddie was just as drunk as she was, however his balance was great no matter what type of state he was in.

Freddie's face was inches away from Taryn's as she let out a tiny hiccup causing the Denmark Goaltender to chuckle.

Taryn strained her neck, connecting her lips with his in a sloppy but soft kiss. As the British girl pulled away giggling, Freddie's face became serious. "Wanna come back up to my room?"

The girl replied instantly, "why are we still standing here? We're wasting time, lets go." She interlocked their hands before starting in the direction of Freddie's room where they would finish what they just started.

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