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taryn [taryn🤩❤️❣️💖💗💓💘]
freddie [freddie😇💘💘❣️]

k baby where are u?

im waiting right outside

i cant wait to see u babe!

i loveeee youuu sweetheartttt

answer me goddamnit hurry up

where are youuu


wow fred, babe, baby, hunny, fredx

hold yourrrr horses

slow yourrrr rollll

no you need to hurry up
your horses because i want to
see u

h8 to break it to u bub but im still
in ny

my flight leaves now, it doesnt land


wait what

no but

no no no

i thought

i wanted to

aw fuck.

THAT FUCKING SMILE. She wore that damn smile which drove me crazy. Her dimples, her perfect teeth that miraculously wasn't fixed by braces, the way her eyes lit up and her nose scrunched slightly. The small wrinkles under her eyes due to giant grin on her face. Everything. I loved every little inch of her and it scared the hell out of me.

Maybe it was because I didn't see her for a week or maybe it was because of the unforgettable night we had last night. Or maybe it was simply just me finally realizing how much I loved her and how stupid I was for ever thinking we were just meant to be friends. But god, she's perfect.

I woke up to her face smushed into my chest, soft and low snores escaping her parted lips. Shifting slightly to pull her closer and place a kiss on her head, her eyelids fluttered open to reveal her tired, beautiful brown eyes. We greeted each other and made small talk as she threw my oversized t-shirt over her bare body and I threw a pair of comfy shorts on, leaving my chest shirt-free.

We made our way to the kitchen of whats unofficially turned into our shared apartment. I made sure to do the extremely cheesy thing where I come up behind her well shes cutting strawberries, hug and kiss her from behind. It was perfect. She's perfect.

As I sit across from her at the table, beams of light shining through the window and c—

thud. A bird flew into the window.

Taryn let out a scream, clutching her chest tightly due to the sudden scare. I wasn't much different, however I jumped out of my chair because of the deafening thud. As we watched the bird bounce back up and fly away like nothing happened, we both glanced at each other before bursting out into laughter.

It was that bird, that bird flying into the window, that made me realize something very important.

Our love isn't like the movies. There won't be this grand ending, an airport run, or a long embrace where the I love you's come pouring out as fast as the laughs and tears. It's as simple as breakfast on a weekday. She'll be drinking coffee, I'll be eating cereal; I'll look at her, she'll look at me,

and we'll just know.

AUTHORS NOTE! anddd thats the end! i originally planned for this to be longer but after not being active for so long, i decided to just end it here. so, heres the closure me & im sure most of you, wanted. thank you so so so much for all the support on this book, it means so much to me!

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