You Never Know What You Have, Until It's Gone.

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Katie's POV.

Let's see, I've been  through a lot this year. Im not going to say more than most teenagers, because i don't know that, but its been a rough year. My mom died of cancer, lung cancer to be exact. My dad left my little sister & i when he found out, which was selfish, but we never hear from him.. & now? We have to live with my Aunt Mary & Uncle Matt. They live in LA. My little sister & i grew up & raised in Asheville, North Carolina.. & now we have to move across the country. I wasnt happy. I had to leave my best friend Jake. He is the only person i've gotten close too. I never get close to anyone, because im not a strong girl, i can't lose a friend & be okay with it, yeah i have other friends, but not like Jake.

Tomorrow was the last day of school, for me & my little sister at least. My little sister is 9, & her name is Emma. She doesn't really understand whats been going on. She was excited to move to a place that has beaches & other cool things.. Me on the other hand, Oh boy was i upset.

I heard this god awful noise from next to me, i turned to see what it was, it was my alarm clock. It blinked "5;30am" i made a sound that i swear wasnt a human sound, i slapped my hand on it to hit snooze, i fell back asleep, then i woke up to someone yelling my name "KATIE! WAKE UP!" It was just Emma, i pushed her off of me & pointed to the door. I got up, turned the shower on, i let it warm up a little. I walked to my closet to get an outfit, then remembered they were in the boxes. I grabbed the first thing i saw, which was light skinny jeans & a collared up red tank top. i put them on the ground then got in the shower, i got out. Dried off & put my clothes on. I dried my hair then did my make up, i walked down stairs into the kitchen.

"good morning sweetie" my uncle said as he kissed my forehead "hungry?"

"morning and yes! starving!" i sat down & watched him put the eggs & bacon on the pan.

Emma came running down seconds later "im hungry too!" she sat down right next to me,

my uncle

my uncle laughed "i know honey" he gave us our plates "girls, im coming to get you at 1;30, thats 4th period, our flight leaves at 4."

Me & emma just nodded, we got done eating & got into the car. he dropped me off first "have a good day!"

I had to find Jake, but i couldnt find him anywhere, so i texted him

me; Heyy.. where are you..?

Jakeyyy<3 ; look behind you;)

i turned around & he was right there. i ran & hugged him, he is taller than me, so he pickes me up every time he hugs me "im going to miss your hugs" hugging him tighter

"well im going to miss you" he looked at me "lets get you to class" we both laughed. he put his arm around my shoulder like he always does, We got to my class "see you in 3rd, loser" then he walked away

i walked in & sat down. i didnt really like anyone in this class, so i didnt talk to anyone.

2nd period came & we were watching a movie on plants or something. the bell rang , i got up & headed for the door, until i ran into someone

Oh! crap, im so sorr-"

"save it! go back to freak town!"

That was Hannah Marshell, We used to be friends, then she started hanging out with the wrong poeple & turned into a whole new person. she was rude to everyone but her boyfriend, Josh. He was way to nice for her, he could do better.

i walked into the door for 3rd, there Jake was sitting in the seat next to me, i walked up to my seat. He didnt say anything "heyy" all he did was look at me, the suddenly he grabbed me & hugged me tight

"jakeeee, you can come vist! ill miss you" all he did was nod.

we talked through the whole class period, then the bell rang "let me walk you" he grabbed my books & we headed for the door, We got to my 4th period. Jake was just standing there, then i saw a tear roll down his face, "jake dont cry. ill be back before you know it!, text me when you miss you" i hugged him tight, then the late bell rang, "i love you katie" then he walked away

it wasnt but 10 minutes into class the lady came on and said "can i have Katie Bromm for check out?". "alright, she is on her way."

i got my stuff & headed out the door & to the office, they signed me out & we got in the car to go get Emma.

when Emma got in the car, all she was talking about was how excited she was. We finally got to the airport, it took us about 30 minutes to get here, then like an hour and 30 minutes to check in & stuff. We went to where our plane was

"North Carolina To Los Angeles leaves in 5 minutes"

They let people on, we found our seats & we sat down. We left about 20 minutes after that, The lady lied, I got my ipod out & put my head phones in & played 'Wish U Were Here' by Cody Simpson

i can already tell this is going to be a long flight

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