Bad Timing

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Katie's POV

"cody.. im so sorry.. if i knew she was coming, i would have left.." he just looked at the ground..

i grabbed his arm "codyy..?" he finally looked at me, "im sorry.."

"dont be, she'll end wanting me back, its not your fault Katie" he smiled at me "lets go walk"

he grabbed my arm & we started walking "soo.. what if she wants you back? are you going to take her back?"

he started to laugh "no, im not going to be with someone who has no respect for me, but enough about me, becasue you probably know everything. what about you?"

"well about what me..?" i looked at the ground

"like, why did you move here? why are you living with your aunt & uncle. why are you so shy? that stuff"

it took me a while to actully say something "i moved here.. because last year my mom found out she had cancer... not to long ago.. she passed away, my dad left us the day they found the cancer, & we've never talked to him since, which was fine.. he was always drunk & abusive.. so my aunt & uncle took us in.." a tear rolled down my face & i wiped it away. he stopped walking, i turned around. "what.." i walked up to him, "im sorry, i didnt know, i wouldnt have asked.." he just stood there..

"dont be sorry, you didnt know.." i started to walk, but he grabbed my wrist & pulled me into a hug, i really needed a hug, "thanks" i looked up to him & he looked at me. i pulled away & we started walking "so what school are you going to go to?"

i looked at him "i dont even know what school, but i know its down the street" he started to laugh..

"whats so funny?"

"Kylie & Kendall go there" great just what i needed.

Cody's phone kept going off & it was kind of annoying me.. "arent you going to get that?" i started to laugh.

he got his phone out & started to read, his face fell. "Cody.. are you okay?" he looked at me & handed me the phone

Unknown Number ; haha, you think you can just cheat on Kylie like that? well i promise you, you wont get away with this, you think you're all tough & shit, well well Cody, what will happen when you fall for katie & she's not there? better think twice.. xo <3

i just looked at him.. "i-i-i i dont know what to say.." he looked at me.. i gave him his phone back "maybe we shouldn't be friends..." a tear rolled down my face , im very emtional.. he was about to say something, but i ran away "KATIE!" he ran after me, he cought up with me, & grabbed my wrist "why are you crying? please stop" he wiped the tear off my face. i tried to walk away, but he just pulled me back "you can't just stop being friends with me, this is the first time we've hung out, okay yeah we both got a threat, i get them all the time, nothing ever happens, im not going to let anyone hurt you.." all i could do is look at him..

"Cody, its not that, trust me. i dont care about the stupid treat.. or Kylie.."

he let go of my wrist "what is it then..?"

"im not good with being a good friend with someone.. everyone ive became close to always gives me a reason not to trust them later on. i cant just lose a friend & be okay with it.. i need someone who will be there for me when i need them.. no matter what they are doing or where they are.. & you? you're Cody Simpson... the busiest person.. & if poparazzi saw you with a nobod-" he cut me off & grabbed my arms

"katie, stop. okay so what im Cody Simpson, that doesnt change who you are, i can be that someone you need whenever & wherever. i know i can, im not going on tour for another like 3 months, & you arent a nobody, you're Katie Bromm. That girl, makes me feel like im a normal kid again, i forgot the feeling of tha until you came"

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