Revenge & New Relationships.

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Kylie's POV

i felt bad for hiring that man to hurt Katie, but i told her to stay away from him. Im IN love with Cody, Yeah i know i should have told him, but when i saw them together, he seemed so happy.. & he was never happy with me. I had the man text both of them , with threats and other stuff, but mostly Katie. I was having doubts about doing this, i've been so mean to her because i've been jealous that she sees Cody EVERYDAY . i miss him . so i texted him

Me; Cody.. i miss you, im sorry):

Cody<33; I don't care, i dont think you how rude you are to MY best friend, she was right about you. You have no respect for me. All you did was text & try to get me to take pictures with the poparazzi, thats not what i wanted. you need to stop trying to ruin Katie's life, She makes me feel like a normal kid again. just stop.

Me; Im sorry.. Its not like i dont feel bad.

Cody<33; then tell everyone to stop sending her hate.

I really didnt want to tell people to stop, because it was funny. yeah i felt bad, but still i enjoied watching it. so i tweeted

'how is everyone? still sending hate to Katie? thanks xo'

my mentions were filled with Cody's fans..

'we arent hating on her anymore, you said Cody wouldnt find out' .. ect. i just laughed

*knonk knonk* my sister Kendall came in

"whats your deal with Katie? enough is enough" she slammed my door

"you dont get i-"

"i dont get it? she told me about the threats & the beach, grow up Ky." then she walked out

My sister is a bitch & never was on my side..

Katie's POV

its been a couple of weeks since i got beat up, i still got threats, but i just ignored them. As far as me & Cody? we've been hanging out everyday. i only have 2 more weeks until school is out for christmas break. I was excited. Cody was coming over before his interview, we were going to watch 'The Last Song' He wasn't to excited about it . the door bell rang after i got the popcorn, i ran to the door

"heyy" he smiled at me, and he walked in

i walked into the kitchen & he sat down in a chair. i walked over & gave him the popcorn & i put the movie in, i started to walk over to the couch , but Cody grabbed my wrist & pulled me into his lap..

best friends can sit in each others laps..? right? well i didnt want to move. i wasnt sure about my feelings for Cody, we are best friends.. but i think im starting to fall for my best friend.. i looked at him in his beautiful blue eyes, he looked at me & smiled. my heart was pounding .

i started to get bored.. is it weird that i wanted him to kiss me? i dont know, but i got up , got some popcorn & threw it at him

"Oh no Katie, You'll get it, i promise" he started to get up, but i started to run . i hide behind the wall.

"katieeeee,where are you?" i peeked around the corner & he saw me "Ah ha ! i found you" he picked me up, & put me over his shoulder. "cody put me down ! codyyyyy !" i couldnt stop laughing. he put me down, we were about 2 inches away.. i was started to walk away, but he grabbed my waist & pulled me closer to him, he put his hand on my cheek & the other stayed on my waist.. so many thoughts were going through my mind right now.. he started to lean in, so i did the same.. we were just about to kiss. then his phone rang

'we meet at a concert, you were wearing converse, you thought i was funny. i spent all my money'

"damnit." his breathe hit me in the face, thats when i realized he was about to kiss me. me.. Katie Bromm..

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