Good Or Bad Date?

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Katie's POV

My alarm went off around 9;30am. Cody was coming to get me at 12. i had no clue where he is taking me, but he told me it would take the whole day. i layed in bed for like 10 minutes, i cant believe Cody Simpson is taking me Kaite.. on a date, But i got a phone call

'im a little drunk on you & high on summer time'


"hello, is this Katie bromm?"

"yeah, who is this?

"okay, this is Miley cyrus, we are punking cody today for the show PUNK'D.. & we heard ya'll were going on a date, i know where & when to do it, but we are going to act like someone is going to try to kidnap you.. he'll put you in a headlock & hold a FAKE knife to your this okay with you?"

"yeah thats fine, as long as this isnt real.." i started to laugh

"no, no one will hurt you, see you soon!"

then she hung up, well okay.

I finanlly got up, turned the shower on & got in. i dried off & wrapped myself in the towel. Went to my closet . its started to get a little cold outside, so i got my light skinny jeans, red converce & my white long sleeve collord shirt. I got dressed, dried my long brown hair, i got my curler out & started to curl it, it looked like a mess, so i put it in a mess braid. i put my black headband in. i put my make up on, then my earings . i went down stairs to eat.

i found my aunt cooking some tacos

"honey, you look beautiful ! want some food before you go?" she put a taco on the plate & gave it too me.

"thank you" i smiled. i ate my taco , then i put my plate in the sink, then went upstairs to brush my teeth. it was arleady 11;45. i started to get nervous, i want this date to go prefect.. i decited to change my shoes & but my white flipflops on. i heard the door bell ring , i was half way down the stairs & i got butterflies. Emma got to the door before i even got downstairs. she left him in "KATIE, YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE"

i got downstairs, "emmmmma! he isnt my boyfriend!" he smiled "yet.."

i started laughing. i walked up to Cody "heyy" i smiled at him, he pulled me into a hug, "okayy. we are leaving !"

my aunt ran down with a camara "no wait! pictures?" she smiled, me & cody got next to each other. i put my arm around him, then he put his around my waist, she took like 1234568 pictures. "okay , we have to go, bye!" we ran out of the door"

we started walking down the street "soooo Cody Simpson, where will you be taking me?"

he looked at me, then grabbed my hand, "you'll see beautiful"

did he just call me beautiful...? that made me smile like a little girl when she gets candy.

we walked to the end of the of the street.. "cody..?" i see a limo . He opens the door . "get in" i got inside , "woww... this is one hell of a limo.." he smiled laughing "well.. i had to get the best one, for the best girl" i looked away so he didnt see my blush, we moved over next to me.. he grabbed my face "dont worry, its cute when you blush. before i knew it our lips met. He pulled away and just smiled. "i think we are here!" he was so excited. The driver got out & opened our door.. Cody got out & then helped me out.i turned around to see where we were, we were at the Aquarium. No one was here, because he didnt want people to ruin our date.. we walked in , we walked all through it.. then got to the part where the sharks & other fish are all around you in a tank while you walk through it. When we got into that part, he stopped. i turned around "what.. Cody..?" i walked up to him, he started laughing . "whats so funny..?" he just looked at me, then all the sudden, he grabbed my waist & kissed me. "i know this is our first date Katie.. but ever since i met you, i've liked you, my feelings become stronger & stronger everytime im with you.. im falling for you.. & i was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend..?" i looked at him in shock .. "yes Cody, i'd love to be your girlfriend!" he picked me up & then kissed me we heard someone yelling "NO YOU CANT GO IN THERE" Cody put me down. "what the hell?" . he grabbed my hand, & ran. "cody whats going on!?"

someone came into the room & started yelling at us "GIVE ME THE GIRL!" Cody grabbed me & made me hide behind him, he was holding my waist.. "I SAID GIVE ME THE GIRL" he was holding the knife in his hand.. "Im not giving you her!" Cody's driver came in & pulled cody away "what the hell! let go! he is going to take Katie! LET GO !" the guy came up to me.. "you're so pretty.."he put the knife up to my face, showing me it was fake.. then he put me in a headlock & started pulling me back "CODY ! help me! " i started to pretend cry. "shut up stupid little girl" Cody finally got away . "please, let her go, ill do anything, i mean ANYTHING. just let her go" the man started to laugh "no." he put the knife to my cheek . Cody started crying.. he really does care about me "take me , not her" he guy put the knife to his side "Cody, no! no , dont take him, take me" the guy threw me to the ground & walked to cody "NO! STOP IT! GET AWAY FROM HIM!"

after i said that, the camara crew came in, then Miley "CODY SIMPSON, YOU JUST GOT PUNK'D!" Cody looked at me. i started laughing, he looked into the camara & said "Im Cody Simpson.. and i just got punk'd.. but that wasnt a funny joke.." i ran up to him "im sorrrrrry." he picked me up "its okay,i understand!" he put me down & kissed me. We descided to leave , & go back home to watch a movie. We finally got home, we went to my house & i found a note 'went to the mall,xo' "wellll. we have the house to our self!" he picked me up & brought me to the couch, & put me down. "what are you doing Cody!?" i started to laugh. He got on top of me & started to kiss me, he puts one of this hands behind my back, real close to my butt.. then the other one was supporting him up. before i knew it , we were making out. it was like 10 mintues then my aunt , unlce & sister came home . my sister came in "EWWW, Get a room!" i got scared & pushed Cody off me, making him fall off the couch. "hey Emma, how was the mall?" i started laughing "Good ! i got a build a bear and named it after you!" i got up & hugged her, i kissed the top of her head "i love you sissssy" she walked away "love you too! ill be in my room!"

My aunt & uncle walked in. "cody sweetie, why are you on the floor?" he got upp. i started laughing "are you staying for dinner?"

"I'd love that," Cody came up & kissed my cheek . My aunt looked at me "well. go up to your room, little love birds, ill call when dinner is ready" me & him looked at each other, "okay!" we ran into my room. Cody has never been in my room. i jumped on my bed & Cody came next to me & kissed my neck "stop ittttt" i started laughing i rolled over & i was about to kiss him "WOAH, you have a gutiar!?" he got up & picked it up. he started playing my favorite song 'wish u were here' of course it was by him. i started singing. just playng around

"latley i got this feelings. i dont know whats the meaning, but i know its strong & its over you, all i want is to be home with you, oh oh. im coming right back oh oh. living without you is no no. im coming right back oh oh. i wish you were here, yeah i wish you were here, music is better, lights are bright when you are nearrrrr"

then he stopped.. he put the gutiar down.. & just started at me "cody! what!?" i got up "no no , sit down. Why didnt you ever tell me you could sing babe !?" i sat down.. "awh you called me babe" he came up to me. "dont change the subject katie.." i stood up "because i havent sang in a long time.. after my mom died , i stopped." he brushed is hand arcross my cheek "well.. me & yu are going to write a song together, & we will sing it" then he kissed me.. i just nodded.

"Emma, Katie, Cody ! Dinner is ready!"

i should have never sang in front of cody..

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