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Hi! So, if you want to know, I am the author of this book. This book was inspired by one of my best friends, Miles. She goes by many names:

Gay Child
Gay AF
Daddy AF
Genderless Child
Ellen DeGenerous


She is actually a really good friend, no matter how much of an ass she can be. It's surprising, really, considering she doesn't have an ass.

Okay, sorry, I was rambling again. I just love my friends a lot.   >////////<

If you needo know, I am a bisexual noob with what I assume is ADHD. I can't focus and really hyper active, distracted constantly, and loves to read fan fiction. I will read aNyThInG... Even if it isn't okay. Sorry.

Luckily Jesus can't find me.

And now you all know why I the myself.

I'm also insecure and sometimes arrogant, but I can be confident and selfless. I love outer space and foxes, my favorite planet is Jupiter, an I love Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I may despise the ocean, but I respect it. I also love chocolate icecream and cheezits with a burning passion. I don't mess with people's heartstrings, and hate bulling, racism, sexism, and/or anything similar. I may act like I don't care, but I really do... I really do care. A lot. Too much to handle. I would let my own grades suffer if it meant my other friend got good grades. I would put my life on the line for my best friends. Good or bad.

ANYWAYS-- I really hope you all enjoy this book that I will try my best to finish. Thanks! <3

Emily's Profile: Voltron-trash


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