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  After a full week of floating in the pod with Lance, Keith finally feels something. A jerking of some kind. Like, a gravitational pull. Keith shoots up from his makeshift bed. "Holy hell!" He yells as he looks outside with Lance, who is crying out of happiness.

  There it was.


  In all it's glory.

  Keith smiles as he thinks of his foster mom. Her name was Ashley. She was sweet, caring, and loving. The best mom he could ever want. He also remembers Ace and his sister, Destiny. Keith wants to cry, too. He remembers his family.

  Suddenly, the ship is barreling down into the atmosphere. Keith and Lance were being tossed in every direction, hitting each other or the sides of the vehichle. The bottom of the craft is on fire, bright like the sun.

  Suddenly, the fire stops and they hit the surface, landing on top of each other. Rubbing his head, Keith slowly stands up.

  "Lance, what the fuck?!" He yells, making the Cuban boy (boi) flinch. Lance nervously shrugs. He can hear some recognizable shouting in the distance. "Quite a ride..." Keith mumbles. Lance smirks and turns to the black haired boy. "I'll say." He flirts while he winks. Keith's face lights with visible pink.

  Before the Korean man could punch him, someone shouted in tears. "Lance?! Lance!" They call. It seems to be an old woman, about 25 years older than them. She looks so similar to... Oh. Keith thinks. Lance bolts from the ship to her.

  The lady engulfs Lance in a big hug, visibly crushing him. But he had not a care in the world. "Lance, mijo*..."   The woman cries softly. Keith, still in the ship, smiles. Genuinely. His family is nowhere to be found. Lance hesitently pulls from the hug, motioning for Keith to come out.

  The young man comes forth and stands next to Lance akawardly. Lance nudges him. "Don't be shy," he says. "We don't bite unless provoked." Keith relaxed only a little.

  "Mamá, this is one of my teammates, Keith Kogane." Keith forces a smile and waves quickly. The lady eyes him for a moment. She chuckles. "I can see why Lance picked you." Lance goes red. "Ay! Mamá!" He shouts. "I just got back!" The lady smiles and shuffles over to Keith.

  "Hola, Keith. My name is Rósa. It is nice to meet you." Rósa sticks her hand out. Keith hesitantly takes it.

  The group walks inside the house, chatting for a bit.

*** Meanwhile... ***

  "What do you mean, gone?!" Allura yells. Coran and Pidge are scrambling to find out where exactly Keith and Lance had gone. Shiro was pacing while Allura was yelling at anything in sight.

  Hunk was making sweets of all variations in the kitchen hoping that Allura and Shiro would calm down and let Pidge figure it out.

  "I-I'm sorry p-princess! We ca-can't seem to find them!" Coran answers, scared for his life. Pidge is typing away on her computer, Shiro occasionally peeking over her shoulder to check what she has occomplished.

  All of a sudden, Pidge screetches. "I found them!" She says. Allura and Shiro snap their heads towards the Italian girl.

  They all rush towards her, eyes bulging. Everyone is huddled around Pidge's computer. "Th-They're... They're on Earth."


Mijo = My son/My boy

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