Chapter Twenty-Five

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Meredith was up before the sun came up with Harry still passed out beside her. She climbed out of the bed and into the shower. No matter how long she stood there, soaking herself in warm water, she didn't feel herself wake up. Every part of her body ached. The tour got to her, but she wasn't willing to admit it now. In the past, yes, but now that Harry felt the grind, Meredith pushed herself to be better. After all, this was the rest of her life.

When she stepped out the shower, Harry was still asleep in bed. She crossed over to the next room, which held Jessica already prepared for the day. Meredith wasn't sure how the woman did it, but she did. Looking prim and proper, Jessica curtsied and said, "Good morning, your highness."

She sat down at the vanity in the room as the stylists went to work on her hair and makeup. A dress was laid out on the bed. Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark, liked patterns and floral, and with the outfits that had been chosen today for the duchess, Meredith looked ready to match her. It was a busy day ahead of the couple.

Jessica came back into the room after making sure the duke was awake.

"And did it take time?" Meredith asked.

"He was sleeping like a stone, ma'am. His highness is in the shower now."

Meredith stepped up into the heels as the dress came down around her. The stylists patted down her hair again until it was stick straight. Jewelry was slipped onto Meredith's neck and wrists. Diamond earrings pierced her ears. A jacket was slipped onto Meredith's body as she stepped out of the room and walked down the stairs. A purse was handed to her, but it wasn't like much was in it. It was more for show since Meredith didn't carry lipstick, money or her passport with her. She had Jessica for that for the documents and a personal assistant for everything else, depending on what day it was.

Glancing at the clock, Meredith glanced up the stairs.

"Coming!" Harry called like he felt her annoyed look. He came barreling downstairs. "Here." Smoothing down his jacket, Harry looked ready to go.

It was a short ride to the airport, but thankfully, it was a longer flight to Copenhagen. Meredith and Harry took the time to eat breakfast, even though Meredith hated on airplanes. Her stomach was already tight from the nerves she had, and she ingested a pill so she didn't get motion sick. While Harry ate, Meredith became more familiar with the schedule for the day.

The airplane descended into the Copenhagen airport, and Meredith watched as they came through the clouds and across the city. There were many places she yet wanted to go and explore, but that was another day in her life. For now, it was a quick here and a quick there. The airplane touched down with a jerk, and Meredith nearly toppled over. Harry caught her just in time and gave her a concerned look.

"You know I hate airplane rides."

"You didn't always," he reminded her.

"Yes, but I did vomit in your helicopter." Meredith shook that thought from her head.

The airplane door opened, and by now, everything was simplified. Harry walked out first with Meredith, his wife, a few steps behind him. She did whatever he did, just a second or person behind. Queen Margrethe II of Denmark waited first, and Meredith was incredibly happy to see her. While the queen was cousins with Queen Elizabeth II, Meredith knew Margrethe from her wedding and the helpful honesty that came from her mouth. Following the queen was her son and her daughter in law, Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Their children weren't there.

With glowing faces of happiness and pride, along with them being incredibly nice and gracious, it wasn't a shock that their numbers of approval were some of the highest for royals, resting from eighty-two percent to ninety-two percent approval. The British monarchy enjoyed some high numbers, but it wasn't as high as those.

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