Chapter Eighty-Six

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The wind whipped off the sea and blew back Meredith's blonde hair. She stood out on the white sand of the villa they were at for the night on the beautiful island. Her tanning feet sunk into the water that lapped. The water wasn't chilled, and it went on forever. The crystal blue sea reflected the sunny waves.

She wasn't going to lie: she did want to jump in. The only thing that stopped her was that she was already ready for the day. Her hair and makeup was done, and her dress for the day blew in the breeze. Her shoes were on the deck by the house, where there was a flurry of people doing things.

The water came up to her ankles again, and she sunk further in. Offshore, a few boats floated with the waves. They had been fishing since dawn. The thought of fish wasn't exactly light on her stomach, so she tried to focus on something else. The palm trees behind her swayed in the wind, and closing her eyes, she swayed in the wind too.

"How's the sun?" Harry asked, crossing the sand. Meredith nearly jumped out. "Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you." He stood beside his wife.

"It's all good." Meredith wrapped her arms around him. "The sun is good too."

He kissed her head and ran his fingers through her hair. His blue eyes looked out to the boats. "One of those boats might be paparazzi."

"Don't ruin this for me," she groaned.

"Apologies." He tightened his arms around her. "We should ask Jessica if there are any days off while we are in paradise."

"I highly doubt it," she said. "We are in the endgame now. It's the last haul, and then we go back to London. We go back to the world of royalty." She placed her head on his shoulder. "It feels like it's been forever."

"It's only been a few months."

"What day is it again?"

Harry chuckled.

Meredith continued, "We went around the world in eight days-- or so." She really had no idea. Harry, who had tried to keep count, also didn't know. The days blending together. A few off days were interspersed. There were days that they hit multiple countries. No one knew-- well, Jessica probably did.

"Jessica sent me out here to get you," Harry said.

"We can stand here a bit longer," she disagreed.

Harry did as his wife asked and held her close. They both looked out across the waves, which went up her calves. He was going to need to change his khakis, but he didn't mind. He liked this moment with his wife. Jessica wanted something as usual, but she had to wait. Right now was their time. The palm trees and waves called, and the smell of freedom fluttered in the sky. 

"What's the first thing you're going to do when we get back to London?" she asked.

Harry said, "See my family. What about you?"


He laughed.

"Your highnesses!" Jessica called from the porch. She didn't seem to like the weather. "Your highnesses, we have to go!"

Meredith sighed, but Harry grabbed her hand and took her back to the villa. Harry rushed to change into a different pair of khakis while Meredith washed off her sandy feet. Her heels waited by the door, and she placed them on, bringing her up two and a half inches. She was going to be taller than Harry, but that was usual in this business.

Harry came back downstairs with a fresh pair of khakis. "Do I look stylish?"


Jessica walked back in with a tablet for tapping and scheduling. Her face was morphed into... happiness?

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