Chapter Sixty-Six

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The migraine hadn't decreased as they touched down in Thailand. Thankfully, there were no photographers or press to greet them. They went straight to the hotel, and they were in for the night. The private secretary and bodyguards lounged around, and the private secretary suggested calling a doctor. The duchess said she was fine, and the duke had to agree with his wife. They were sent off for the night. Food was ordered and came, sitting across the table. However, the duchess had no appetite, so she excused herself.

Meredith drew a bath and stepped into the warm water. Her skin immediately turned pink. A comfort ran through her as the bubbles popped. The lights were on low as she leaned back in the suds. From the hotel, she saw the ocean, but that wasn't allowed. Settling into the bathtub, she tried to pretend she was in the ocean, floating. It worked until she felt her head dip into the water, and Meredith came up with a gasp, realizing she had fallen asleep. Shaking out her wet blonde hair, Meredith huffed and got out of the water.

When Meredith walked into the master bedroom, she heard Harry on his mobile in the sitting room. Grabbing a book, she climbed into the bed and drew the covers up around her. Opening the book, Meredith started Mary Lambert's "Shame is an Ocean I Swim." Taking a pen to her favorite parts, she underlined and circled.

Harry's voice grew loud on the other side of the door before it dropped off again.

Still feeling warm, she felt vomit bubbling up in her stomach. Putting down the book, Meredith sat up and breathed deeply. Closing her eyes, she focused on the ocean again, and the though managed to calm her down enough. Relaxing, she leaned back in the bed. While she had to admit she wasn't feeling well the last few days, Meredith refused to acknowledge it. She knew what they were going to say, and if it was something, they were going to cut this trip short. She chose to ignore it.

A minute later, Harry entered. Dark bags hung under his eyes, and he ran his fingers through his orange hair.  He sat on the edge of the bed. His wife watched him. "You look like you could sleep a day," she commented kindly.

"I feel like it." He laid back against the bed and stared at the ceiling.

"I take it the phone call didn't go well?"

"No." He sighed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Honestly, no," Harry said, reaching and touching her leg under the covers. "This is a comfortable bed."

"You really are tired."

Meredith shifted unevenly, pulling her leg away from him as he attempted to tickle her. She giggle escaped her lips, which Harry took as permission to begin his assault with tickles. The book slipped from her hands and landed onto the bed. Harry crawled up and settled beside her, tiredness overtaking him. His face landed fully straight into the pillow.

"Wow," she said.

Whatever he said was lost into the pillow.


"Can I sleep in my clothes?" Harry mumbled.

Meredith shrugged. She wasn't his nanny. So Harry did so.

In the morning, Meredith was out of the bed and into the shower. Harry continued to snore. When she was out of the shower and before the vanity, Meredith heard Harry snoring still. With the stylists working on her working, Meredith picked up the book and continued her reading of the poetry book. His soft snores were interrupted when Meredith wasn't able to hold Jessica back any longer. By that time, Meredith was over halfway through the book, and her hair and makeup was done. When Harry asked how she managed to get through any book so quickly, she had a lot of time just sitting around and waiting some days.

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