Chapter Sixty-Eight

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The previous night, Meredith, Harry and their entourage landed in Kuala Lumpur. Harry was doing better, but it still wasn't great. When they were at the hotel for the night, Harry climbed into bed, stating, "I will be better tomorrow morning." He had been getting better until the airplane ride, when he was sleepy and sickly again.

"Sure," Meredith replied, changing for bed. They were sleeping in separate rooms again, and after her long day, she was ready for bed. If she was able, then she was going to collapse in.

Harry smiled groggily up at his wife. "Did you at least miss me today?"

"Sure," Meredith replied, keeping her distance from her husband.

"So, that's a no?" He still wore a smile.

"I love you, Harry. I do." She stood in front of him. "However, I do enjoy my alone time. Today, it is probably the most alone time I've had in a long time."

"People were staring at you the whole day."

"Fine," Meredith conceded. "It's the most time I've spent away from you in a long time. I love you, but I needed that time away. I don't mean to sound rude, but it was so nice to be able to do whatever I wanted to do today-- even though I was on a schedule." Meredith sighed, knowing she wasn't explaining it well.

From the bed, Harry didn't take it seriously. "I know what you mean," he said.

"You think you've been spending too much time with me?"

"Never," Harry promised, "but I know you, Mere. You need your time, and you shone."

A red blush made her way up her neck and over her cheeks. "Did I?"

Harry nodded. "You were the sun and all the stars. All eyes were on you. You did amazing, and you were the best. Not one thing can be said about how you did."

Meredith was sure that someone found something bad to say about her, and they probably did. However, Meredith didn't mind. She thought she did good. She was proud of her work. She made the monarchy proud, and-- more importantly-- she made herself proud. "Thank you," she said sincerely.

"Any time."

Taking a step back, Meredith went toward the door.

"Come on!" Harry groaned. "I didn't get to see you at all today. Let me at least see you a little longer."

"No, go to bed."

Harry pouted.

"The sooner you get better," Meredith promised, "the sooner we get to be together."

"Oh, I'm counting on it." His voice cracked, and his face was still the wrong color. "Good night, Mere."

"Good night, Harry." Meredith closed the door behind her and crossed the hallway into another bedroom. At least she wasn't going to wake Harry up in the morning with the early routine. Meredith thought it was going to be hard falling asleep without her husband beside her, yet as she curled the blankets around her and stretched out, it was surprisingly easy. She loved her husband, but she had missed the bed to herself.

In the morning, after Meredith was all ready for the morning, it was decided that Harry was still too sick to do his duty. Meredith was flying solo again today. However, after the confidence boost yesterday, she didn't have the fears-- or at least she didn't have as many. Malaysia still waited outside the windows and doors, and it presented its own history and culture that Meredith was meant to know. As part of the Commonwealth, Malaysia also wanted a true member of the royal family. Meredith had to act as good as the queen today.

When the Duchess of Windsor stepped out of the vehicle at the Commonwealth ceremony in the morning, she had her shoulders back and her head held high. She wore barely any heels, and it was probably for the best. She had to walk backward today, and she had been practicing in the morning.

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