Chapter Forty-Three

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Upon entering Africa, it was obvious that the royal couple weren't going to go to every country. The Middle East proved that well, where some places were not deemed safe. In Morocco, it became clear in Meredith's mind after reading over the African stretch. Africa was a massive continent, and the plan was to move along the west coast, go down and then come back up around on the east coast. That missed countries in the middle and then fly-over countries as much as the royals were concerned. For whatever the reasons, there were countries that were not going to get hit.

The airplane from Morocco to Mali was a few hours. Mali was the eighth largest country inside of Africa land wise, and it held eighteen million people within the borders. The land reached deep into in the Sahara Desert while most of the population rested in the south on the Niger and Senegal rivers. Agriculture and fishing were the major economic incomes, but Mali was the third largest producer of gold on the continent. Mali certainly wasn't a rich country, as half the population lived in poverty, living on $1.25 a day.

That brought the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to Mali, and they were meant to work on humanitarian efforts in the country. After the airplane landed in Bamako, Meredith felt the heat stick to her. It wasn't humid, but the dry heat managed to make Meredith feel queasy. She wanted that ocean water now. It was khaki shorts and a white t-shirt for Harry and Meredith. Of course, Meredith managed to be a bit more fashionable.

As of the history of Mali, it was once three empires before putting together as one. The French had colonized this area, but Mali gained its independence in 1960. For Mali, there had been conflict, which regularly included French troops moving back in to calm the area.

French troops accompanied the royal couple out of Bamako and into the surrounding slums. Humanitarian workers were stationed to welcome the royals and the troops. The troops were eyed carefully and almost angrily by the humanitarian aid workers, who didn't look to have or need protection. Meredith somewhat felt the same way as perhaps the troops weren't necessary. Harry, of course, was comfortable around the troops. He had been joking with them the whole way out.

With Harry still talking with the military, Meredith walked forward and greeted the humanitarian aid workers first. "Good afternoon," she said without even knowing if it was morning.  "How are you?" She shook their hands.

"Thank you for coming, your highness."

"Meredith please," she said.

Harry followed behind his wife, greeting many of the humanitarian aid workers. He didn't mind being behind, in fact he felt more at home. When at events with his brother, father or queen, Harry was second and sometimes further behind. Meredith knew her husband wasn't always comfortable going first. If he wanted to wait back with military friends, it wasn't going to stop Meredith from moving forward.

"Good morning," Meredith greeted the next one in line. "How are you?"

"I'm well, your highness." She curtsied.

"Please, call me Meredith." She repeated it down the line.

The humanitarian aid workers came from around the world, however the ones they focused on the workers from Mali today. Working within a country was just as important as going to other countries. In times of need, the people of a nation were needed to step up and do their best. Meredith was happy to shine a light on their efforts.

In the slum, it was meant bringing in clean water and education. While there were other smaller efforts, but for women who walked every day for not-so-clean water, this was a main focus. Girls were taken out of school at a young age to care for either younger siblings or aging family members or to help out around the house. Thankfully, child marriages were decreasing, but even then, it was too much. As for women empowerment, six years of education helped women; while more education was always helpful, those six years began a life of empowerment for women.

Walking through the village, Meredith was to the school building, which was one room with many desks. Blackboards waited with white chalk, which was dwindling. The children, over half of them girls, at in those neatly lined desks. Their books looked used and used again. At night, the children were gone and women usually came in when they were able to learn. No one was ever too old for education and empowerment.

All of this was deja vu to Harry.

The children were outside playing for a break when the royals showed up. The duke and duchess greeted the children, going down the line. They spoke French, a language that neither Harry or Meredith knew. It called for a translator, and it was slowed down a bit. Surprisingly, Meredith's French was getting better, but it was still stuck in the simple phrases and certain words. Some of the children learned English as well.

"Bonjour," Meredith said.

The children gathered around the couple. "Hi!" they screeched, each screaming louder than the next, each vying for attention from the royals. Meredith tried to meet each one of them in an orderly fashion. Harry thrived in this kind of chaos. The kids jumped on him, and he let them. A grin covered the whole of his face.

Once the teacher had the children back in order, the teacher from Bamako went back to teaching. She had a helper, a woman from France. The woman sat beside the duke and duchess and translated as they went throughout the day. The students were taught math, grammar, reading and science. History was briefly touched upon.

Harry and Meredith participated every once and a while. When it came to math, Harry went up to the board and raced a student doing math; the student won. Giving his best losing face, Harry laughed it off while the students jeered.

Meredith talked to the teacher with small talk. "Why did you choose to do this? Oh, yes, I see it is very fulfilling. How are the students?" The small talk went on.

Eventually the children filed out after their long day of school. Laughing and running from the schoolhouse, the girls by this time in their life-- and the ages ranged-- knew not to walk alone. It was something Meredith was aware of from growing up as a female too. The boys dashed home while the girls walked side by side, some holding each other's hands.

When the children were gone, the adults from all ages came inside, wishing to know something new. The teachers, even after their long day, were happy to teach more. Some of the women had babies on their laps, and Meredith went over and picked one up. A photo was taken, and Meredith set the baby back down. Meredith leaned against the table in the back again.

"Nice picture," Harry comments.

Meredith jerked her head. "Thanks."

"So... I mean, our tour isn't even half way over yet, but what are you think for...?"

"Don't test me, Harry."

"Yep." His eyes immediately went back to the class at hand. However, he wasn't able to keep his mouth closed for long. "But I mean, Mere, it's such a cute baby."

Her eyes peeled to Harry. "Really?"

"It is a cute baby. We could have one once the tour is over."

"We will have one once the tour is over, just maybe not immediately. We'll get there when we get there, but not sooner." In a way, this tour was like a buffer for that, and Meredith liked that. She didn't want to be twenty-two years old and pregnant. "Now, enjoy your time with the babies now, because you're not getting one for a while." Meredith smiled and pretended to pay attention to French.

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