Chapter Ninety-Three

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Diplomatically, it was a sticky situation.

One of the world's superpowers, which held close ties to the United Kingdom, wanted the communist Cuba cut off from the rest of the world. From the dawn of communism, the United States of America had been against it with their capitalist ways. Spawning after World War II, the Cold War grew between the Soviet Union and the United States. The United States made sure that Cuba was cut off for many years. Sanctions were put in place. Sanctions were taken away. Sanctions were put in place again.

Whether one believed in capitalism or communism, times had changed. Cuba had opened its doors to the world. Tourists flocked in from most parts of the world. Some people were still not allowed to come. While it was not a completely free place, most countries weren't.

Treading lightly was the key factor here. The United States and United Kingdom were some of the strongest allies. Many times the British family had played a key part, and they were meant to be above politics. However, this was a world tour, and the royal family was meant to shed light onto British ideas as well as new experiences and cultures of the world. It was a large task truly.

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor arrived in Havana to screaming-- much like most countries they visited. The old car they traveled in down the cobblestone streets had glass windows that were specifically made bulletproof. It wasn't the first time the duke or duchess had been in a bulletproof car; it was daily occurrence really.

The sun shone over the white and tan buildings they passed. The narrow streets curled, and people still piled against the barricades. Children were in their school uniforms. People waved Cuban and British flags, meshing together to create a wave of color. The duke and duchess smiled and waved politely from the car as it rumbled down the streets.

Stepping out, the duke and duchess were gorgeous. The duke wore a navy suit with a white shirt. He wore a navy tie to match, which late he was going to shed. The duchess had her flowing blonde hair curled around her shoulders, which just made her skin glow even more. The color she wore was radiant.

Flipping back her blonde hair, the duchess followed her husband. Turning, she waved to the crowds, and they let out a powerful scream that she gave her a small jump and then a chuckle. From all angles, she was watched. The cameras zoomed in to see every movement as she followed along with her husband, who greeted the president with a firm handshake. The duchess shook hands with the president too.

Massive portraits of guerrilla fighters, including Ernesto "Che" Guevara," surrounded them in Havana's Revolution Square. Outside the square, the crowds had been deafening; now, it was deafening silent. Every step taken echoed as people watched this moment. This was historic. They were the first royals to visit the island. They showed the world that Cuba was open.

In his hands, the duke laid a wreath of flowers at the memorial of independence hero Jose Marti. The crowd held its breath. No one blinked. The duke descended down the stairs backwards, as was custom. To turn one's back was to show disrespect. The duke had never turned his back before, and he wasn't going to do it now.

The duke rejoined his wife and the president of Cuba. Their all bowed their heads in silence, and for a moment, no one moved. The seconds ticked by, and none of them fiddled.

When the moment was up, the duke and duchess shook hands with the president again, but it was not over yet. The day was just beginning.

At the Palace of Revolution, the duke and duchess were given a tour. The brightly colored outside leaked inside. The duchess flapped a fan in front of her face under the heat as they toured the gardens.

In a large rectangular room, the room was set. People stood as the president, duke and duchess entered. The president and duke walked together. Three feet behind, the duchess walked with the president's spouse. Celebrities, politicians and athletes filled the room, all wanting to meet the duke and duchess. At the head table, they sat and ate.

After lunch, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor returned to the public eye, having dressed down slightly. He no longer wore a tie, and the duchess no longer wore heels. In the public eye, the duke and duchess learned about Cuba's green energy projects. The duke had always been invested in saving the Earth, and he did the best to spread the message wherever he went.

It turned out that Cuba already had quite the green and clean energy. Many of its young people worked hard to save the ocean and the lands. The duke and duchess toured the beaches to learn about conservation efforts made to save the reefs and the wildlife.

When the duke and duchess returned to Havana, they were greeted by crowds again. It wasn't a too-formal of an event as they joined several members of antique car group. Whether the people came out to see the royal couple or the elder British cars was unknown. The duke and duchess took center stage as the cars roared past.

The cars were still in mint condition. They gleamed in the light. It was as if the duke and duchess had been thrown back in time with the cars that rumbled as they drove past slowly. The duke was far more of a car fanatic, taking after his grandmother, but the duchess enjoyed it nevertheless.

Traditional Cuban music played in the background, and dancers filled the street in between the cars. People roared, and children gasped when they saw a new one pull along through the parade.

One of the hosts pulled out some cigars, handing to each of the royals. "For good health," he declared.

The duke had a hard time disagreeing with that. On the other hand, the duchess took hers as a memento but chose to abstain from smoking them.

When the parade was over, the duke and duchess were back in the car, and the car moved through the crowds that came to say hello and now said good-bye. It was a quick visit, as many were on the royal tour. However, it was a good start.

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