Chapter 7- true pain

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When we got to the animal hospital, they immediately took shilo, Edgar, and maya and asked us what happened "well I let them outside for a few minutes while I got my shower and I heard a bunch of yelping and barking going on outside and I saw a huge coyote attacking them!" I said in small gasps of air. "Hmmm." The nurse said. "What is it?" I asked. "The German shepherd doesn't look hurt at all." She said carefully looking at scar. "Oh that's scar. We took him to police training and he is really muscular so he attached the coyote and held it to the ground while Felix got a shovel and hit it until it went away." I said patting scar on the head. "Is that why he has blood in his teeth?" The nurse asked. "Yep." I said. "Well he will make a very good guard dog. In fact, he is the most muscular looking German shepherd I've ever seen!" She said. "He could easily take on anything and win. Another dog, a wolf, and as you saw, a coyote." She said looking at scar in awe. "He also seems very well trained considering how he does what ever you tell him and the fact that all these dogs are around and he's not running after them even though he's not on a leash." She said. "Yea he is very well trained." I laughed. "So how are the dogs gonna be?" Felix asked cutting our conversation. A sudden sadness washed over me and I had to go sit down. Scar noticed that I was sad and gently put his paw on my lap and let me stroke his ears. "I'll go check on them now." The nurse said quietly. As Felix sat down, tears slowly and silently started falling down my cheeks. "Honung det kommer att vara ok. Bara lugna ner och slappna av och veta att jag älskar dig och allt kommer att vara ok." Felix cooed in my ear. "Jag vet. Jag bara älskar dem så mycket!" I said back.

When the nurse finally came out, she had shilo and Edgar with her. "They will be fine. They have some stitches on there chest so be careful but other than that they will be fine." She said as she handed us the leashes. "Where's maya?" I asked not seeing her anywhere."Maya... Um...her injuries were so bad that we couldn't save her in time. Maya passed away while we were putting the stitches on her. If you like you can come look at her." "Maya is dead!?" I yelled as I fell to the floor and started balling. I knew people were looking at me but I didn't care. Maya was gone and there was nothing I could do to bring her back. I looked up at Felix and he was froze in shock. He then fell to the floor beside me and put his arm around my back and started crying.

After we finally stopped crying, we went to look at maya. She was on an operating table with stitches all over her. "She was worse than I thought.." I said as I looked at her. I started crying again and I went over to pet maya one last time. Scar went over to maya, sniffed her, then started whining like crazy. He then jumped up in the operating table and laid down beside her. Edgar was the most upset though. He wouldn't even stand. "My poor baby.." I said as I put my hand over my mouth and started crying again.

When we got home, we took all the dogs out to the back and sat them all in a line. And for once, they all stayed there. They seemed to understand what we were doing. We carefully got maya out of the back of the car and let all the dogs sniff her before we out her in a little make-shift coffin. Felix then carefully lowered her in the hole he had dug and filled it back up with dirt. I could see he had tears in his eyes. And as soon as the last piece of dirt was put on top of Maya's grave and the headstone we made for her was put in the ground, all the dogs howled in unison like they were remembering maya. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen or heard.

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