Chapter 15-Suprise

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As I got out of the cab, I saw a huge building with the words Nintendo on it. As we walked in, Alyssa went to the front desk and Kelsey, Felix, and I, went to the waiting room. I laid my head on Felix's shoulder and closed my eyes. "Yes!" I heard Kelsey yell as I quickly opened my eyes. I heard some man in the other room yell something, walk forward, and ask something about ChirpyCat. I snickered a little bit but not loud enough for anyone to hear. Alyssa pointed at Kelsey and the man started walking towards her. "Alyssa!" Kelsey yelled. The man said something in Japanese. "English?" Kelsey said tilting her head before covering her mouth. "You." He said in English. "Were amazing!" He said as he quickly shook her hand. "Who are you?" She asked. The man said something under his breath them Kesey started screaming and jumping like a maniac. He then walked over to Alyssa and took her in back.

"Oh these look fancy!" I said as I looked at a dress. I knew that Kelsey hated going shopping when it wasn't at a gaming store or something like that and I knew Felix was getting kind of bored but yesterday I heard Alyssa talking to some hotel worker who spoke English and she said, "so are we gonna be able to have the baby shower in the garden?" Alyssa asked. "I will see if we can make a reservation for your friend.." He said trailing off. "Kelly." Alyssa said filling I'm his sentence. "Ah, yes. Kelly. I will see if we can make some reservations for her baby shower." He said. "Thank you." She said. "And Can we have it on a Saturday?" She asked. "Sure." He said before walking off. I quickly went back to my room after that. So I had to find a dress to wear. "Hey I'm gonna go somewhere else.." I heard Kelsey say. "Wait kelsey! Don't you wanna help me try on dresses?!?!" I yelled as she went to the door. "No!" She said before walking off.

Me and Felix had just finished buying a dress when Kelsey came back. "Hey Mr. Satoshi Tajiri wants us back at the Nintendo building. "Ok." I said. I wonder what he wants?

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