Chapter 10-suspicion

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I don't know why but when Kelsey wanted to film a few games with Felix she asked us to leave. And for some reason I felt really strange about doing that. "Kelsey won't do anything. She loves Jordan.....*sigh* Jordan.... NO Kelly stop. You love Felix NOT Jordan!" I thought to myself.

Me and Jordan ended up going bowling..... for about three hours. "Wow look at the time. We better get back." Jordan said as I rolled another strike. "Yes! I've beat you five times in a row!" I screamed as I threw my arms in the air and started dancing crazily. Jordan then ran over and started tickling me. I HATED being tickled. I fell to the ground in the middle of the bowling place! "Jordan....stop!" I said threw small gasps of air from laughing so hard. "Don't brag then." He said laughing as he got off of me. He then looked into my eyes and I looked back. I sort of felt a connection before I quickly looked away. "We better get going." Jordan said scratching behind his head. "Yea.." I said as we both got off the floor and walked to his car.

When we got back, Kelsey and Felix were acting kind of weird. I decided to just shrug it off and go get something to drink from the kitchen. Kelsey followed me in and pulled to a corner. "What is it?" I asked. " matter what happens, we'll still be friends right?" She asked urgently. "Yea.." I said. "I have to tell you something." She said nervously. "What is it?" I asked also getting a bit nervous. "I-I kissed Felix." She stuttered. I was about to yell, but I thought better of it and pulled her out the back door. I then took a deep breath and calmly said, "I'm not gonna yell. But Kelsey why did you kiss Felix." I said trying my best not to yell. "I don't know." She said. "You don't know?" I asked getting angrier. "How do you not know why you kissed my husband! I kissed Jordan because it was a dare there was no need for you to kiss Felix!" I said yelling as loud as I could. "Kelly I'm sorry." She said trying to apologize. "Just leave me alone." I said about to cry as I ran to my car. I saw Felix run out and talk to Kelsey who pointed to my car. Felix came running as fast as he could but I pulled away before he got to me. "How could Kelsey do this to me?" I thought to myself.

I drove to my favorite thinking spot at the beach. I was sitting on the very edge of the dock looking into the water. "Why does my life hate me?!" I asked myself in small breaths still sobbing. I needed a night away from everyone so I drove to the nearest motel. "Hello." The lady at the front desk said. "Hi. I'm staying for one night." I said trying not to cry again. "Ok here is your room key." She said as she handed me a key for room 108. "Have a nice night!" She called after me as I walked out. "You too." I muttered as I drove around to the room and walked in. "I need a new life." I muttered as I laid on the bed and fell asleep.

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