Chapter 3

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"No we are not watching that, we agreed on no horrors" I whined

"awe is someone scared" Jake cooed. A look of amusement flashing in his eyes.

"I will come over there and rip your lungs out, and feed them to my non-existent dog" Everyone laughed, Jake, on the other hand, look scared, as he should be I thought as I glared at his head.

"Come on Anna just one Horror, please I am new after all" Looking into his honey brown eyes, I groaned and muttered things under my breath.

"See how stupid, you don't enter a room without turning the light on, she's just going to die" Aura yelled at the screen. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with horrors, but me? I just did not like them AT ALL.  Aura was cuddled into Jake surrounded by a big fluffy blanket. Leo was fast asleep. Lucy and Daniel were drifting off also cuddling. The pizza I was currently holding and eating felt like a disease as I watched the man in the film die, blood spraying everywhere. How do people watch this? The film was nearing the end, Everyone was asleep except me. Light snores could be heard from Daniel who was holding Lucy's body tightly. I sighed, why is it now my body no longer wants to sleep.

I creeped out of the bedroom, hoping not to wake anyone. Walking to the spare room I grabbed my sketchbook, and let my hand freely explore the page. When I was little before my dad left us for some random, he taught me how to draw, it felt like an escape like I can draw what I think. Sometimes I just stare blankly at the paper, my mind not being able to think. The drawings are mainly based on me and my mum or friends, since those are the only family I have, and who have actually stuck with me without leaving me. I looked back at the time 1:07. I silently walked back to my room, moving back to my spot and laying down. Closing my eyes I tried to let sleep overcome my mind but I couldn't. Shuffling around me could be heard, as I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. Sudden warmth overtook me as some laid beside me.

"I know you're not asleep An" the nickname running through my ears. I opened my eyes and looked back at his.

"Did I wake you" I replied hoping I didn't disturb him.

"no, I couldn't sleep anyway" he continued "So An tell me about yourself"

"Well my name is Anna Woods, I'm 17, my birthday is in August, my favourite colour is baby blue, which you already know. I like to dance and draw. There's not really much to me. How about you?" I questioned.

"Well my names Xavier Black, I'm also 17 years old my favourite colour is red. I moved from England after my mum had left us. We decided to move, and we've ended up here" I felt the need to apologise about his mum. It makes me so angry about how parents can just leave their children.

"I'm sorry about your mum, you know she would've been lucky to have a son like you. Even if your ego is up to your ass sometimes" He chuckled, it came out husky from the amount of sleep we have lost.

"How about your dad, if you don't mind me asking," Xavier asked. This subject wasn't really a touchy subject, but it still hurt.

"When I was 5, my mum became sick, we didn't really know what was wrong with her, although she's fine now. But when my dad found out she was sick, he left. No explanation, nothing. He packed his bag and just walked out after his newly found girlfriend he has been seeing behind my mums back. He didn't leave anything but a note saying how we didn't fit his needs, and how he needed more"

"Anna I'm sorry, your dad sounds like a prick. You know you always have my dad if you need someone" his kind gesture made my heart warm.

"and you always have my mum" Xavier made me feel as though we had known each other for years

"Go sleep Anna," Xavier said pulling my body down with his, I led my head on his chest and let darkness overtake my wandering mind.

"Look how cute they look, should we take a picture" A voice whispered.

"We could send it to Ryan, Show him what he's missing" Deciding to ignore the voices, as usual, I buried my head further into my pillow, although my pillow wasn't as soft as I remembered it to be. I opened my eyes slightly blinded by the light surrounding the room and came to see Xaviers chest, his hand was pressed firmly around my waist keeping me secure and in place.

"Oh look Lover Girl is awake" I glared at Daniel,  Aura  Jake, and Lucy and then to Leo who was still fast asleep.

"You have 3 seconds before I get up and rip each of your heads off" if you couldn't tell, I was not a morning person. Not one person shifted, except Aura who was gone. Each person giving me a challenging stare

"1..2..3" I bolted up as they all ran around my house, me screaming after them. Every one eventually gave up, knowing I was not about to back down. Today we planned to go to the beach, however, those plans quickly changed as the rain presses against the window. However, we all agreed to meet again tomorrow.

After everyone has left, I got changed into my shorts, and an oversized jumper and climbed back into bed turning on Netflix.  I let my thoughts wander to Xavier. It was weird having another guy in the group, I so used to the guys, yet the feeling of having someone new was so refreshing.

The rain soon picked up and became harder against my window. I pulled my legs towards my chest and sat in my window seat. I loved watching the rain, it's like it was washing everything bad away. Looking out at the road, I saw a figure running towards my door, it was pouring who was coming to my door at this time?. A murder? Niall Horan? I laughed at my thoughts however was pulled out of them when the door rang. I opened the door, however, frowned when it was not Niall, but Xavier,  a very soaked Xavier. I frowned, however, opened the door wider for him to enter.

"Hello Anna," He said, smirking, he was definitely up to something.

"Xavier, what are you doing here" I suspiciously asked. His face held amusement as he edged towards me.

"So you're favourite person can't come and see you?" He questioned, smiling widely

"I don't see Aura anywhere" He chuckled and ran towards me wrapping me in his arms, as he continued to rub against me, his damp clothes now soaking my own, I screamed and pushed him away

"You're dead" was my final reply before he was gone.

Okay, it isn't the best chapter but I've been busy with exams, I will be updating tomorrow, however. Thank you for the people who have supported me with this. Any ideas on the next chapter comment down x

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