Chapter 10

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"We won't be home today until dinner, pretty boy. Lucky for you, you don't have to be alone this time." Rye opens the door and lets in a tall boy with blonde hair.

"Hey, Mikey," he says, shaking my hand. "My name's Cameron. How are you doing?"

I open my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"This is an old friend of mine," Rye says. "He's a pretty nice guy when he isn't throwing things at your head."

"That happened only once!" Cameron says offended. "And I already apologized for that."

"Whatever you say," Rye says laughing. "Just don't throw anything at Mikey's head and don't let him escape, okay?"

Cameron nods his head. "I can do that."

Rye walks over to me and places a kiss on the top of my head. "See you later, pretty boy!"

When Rye walks out, Cameron gives me a weird look. "Why did he just kiss you?"

I shrug. "I have no idea..."

* * * * *

Hours later Cameron walks in with a glass of water and some cookies. He hands them to me and sits next to me on the bed. "I thought you might be feeling a bit lonely without the boys being around, so I thought maybe we could talk for a bit."

"Okay, go ahead," I say.

Cameron looks at me. "So... Mikey, how does it feel to be kidnapped by RoadTrip?" he asks.

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? What's RoadTrip?" I ask.

"Didn't they tell you?" Cameron asks with a surprised look on his face.

I shake my head.

"Okay, so you know the boys who kidnapped you... Andy, Rye,
Jack, Brooklyn... They're in a boyband, called RoadTrip," he explains. "I used to be in the band as well, but I quit some time ago, because I wanted to do something else."

"What did you want to do?" I ask curiously.

He gives me a smile. "I wanted to travel around the world. I felt like I had to see the world, before doing anything else." He runs his hand through his hair. "I didn't have a lot of money, though. So I never got to see the world."

I frown. "That's so sad," I say. Suddenly I get a brilliant idea. "You know what, Cameron. My father has a lot of money. If he gave some of it to you, you could definetely make a pretty big journey around the world."

Cameron gives me a weird look. "What are you talking about, Mikey?"

"I could give you a big amount of money, if you help me escape," I suggest with an innocent smile.

He sighs. "It's not going to happen, Mikey. Although it's my dream to see the world, I'm not going to betray my friends for it."

"Whatever. Your loss," I say, rolling my eyes. "I'm going to the bathroom, see you later." I get up and walk inside the bathroom.

When I come back, Cameron is gone. I look around the room, feeling bored, when I notice it. I have to keep myself from gasping out loud, when I realize he left the door open.

I quietly walk to the door and look around the corner to see if Cameron is near. When I don't see him, I quickly run into the hallway and make a run to the stairs.

Everytime Rye and the others came home, I heard them walk the stairs, so I figured the frontdoor must be near the stairs.

I quietly run down the stairs and when I walk down, I see the frontdoor on the end of the hallway. My heart pounds in my chest like crazy. I can't believe I'm free!

I try to open the door and I feel my heart jump when it opens. At first, I'm blinded by the light, but as soon as my vision comes back, I start running.

It feels weird to be outside again. It's so much colder than I remembered it was. And, although I should have put on some shoes, the feeling of the stone bricks that cover the street under my bare feet, makes me happy.

I run through several streets, until I suddenly see a supermarket, called ASDA. I decide to walk in to see if there's anyone who can help me, but as soon as I walk through the entrance, I run straight into...

"Mikey?" Andy says with a shocked look on his face. "What the heck. Someone catch him!"

I quickly start running away, but Rye follows me with an extremely high speed. "Mikey, come back!" he yells.

"Help!" I scream. "Somebody help me!" Some people look my way, but they don't do anything. They must think it's a joke or something. That the boys are my friends.

But they aren't, they are my kidnappers.

It doesn't take Rye too long to catch up with me and when he does, he jumps on top of me, making us both fall on the ground.

"Get off!" I cry. "Let me go!"

"Shut up, Mikey!" he hisses in my ear.

"What are we going to do now?" I hear someone, I think Jack, ask.

"I don't know," I hear Andy say. "We somehow have to get him home, but if someone sees us with him, while he's screaming and struggeling, people will get suspicious."

"Just let me go!" I say, sobbing. "I promise I won't tell anyone about you as long as you just let me go!"

"We're not stupid, pretty boy," Rye says. "And I can tell you are neither." He presses me down again.

I groan in pain. "I'm not going to take that as a compliment."

"Lucky for you, we don't care," Andy says. "Now, stand up and stay calm or else Rye will knock you out."

"Go ahead," I say. "I'd like to see him try..."

Rye and Brooklyn pull me up and as soon as I'm standing on my feet, I start trying to break free.

"Stop fighting, Mikey," Andy hisses at me.

"Never!" I scream and keep pushing their hands away from me. But then I feel something hard hit my face and slowly everything gets black.

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