Author's Forward

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One of the many questions a fanfic author must answer is how much of the original text should be used. Many decide to use none. Either creating an entirely new plot which varies so quickly from the original that there is no place for Austen's words, or they refer to the canon without actually displaying it. Others sprinkle the original text lightly throughout their own work, like a seasoning or a garnish. Making the reader smile when they come across the familiar words and phrases.

I, like some others, chose in this story to use Austen's words quite liberally when I felt they expressed the actions of thoughts I wanted conveyed. In many cases, I saw no reason to change them if they moved the story in the direction I wanted it to go. She is considered one of the greatest novelist in the English language for a reason. As one might expect, this occurs less frequently as my story diverges from the original.

I offer this both as an acknowledgement that not all the words offered here are my own, though I put forth no effort to make any obvious demarcation of the original text where used, and as a caution for those that despise the inclusion of canon text.

Do not fear this is asimple retelling of the original, or complete usurpation. There are significantdivergences from before the story begins through the ending. But some of thewords you will find may be familiar to those knowledgeable of Austen's work. Ihope this will not impinge upon your enjoyment of the story.     

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