Chapter Forty

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Elizabeth was both dreading and anticipating her return to her ancestral home. Her time in London must be counted as a success, both professionally and socially.

Working with the researchers at the Alien Office she was able not only to train several other augers to detect altered individuals, and discriminate between them and the naturally gifted; but she learned that, with effort, she could remove the temporary gifts as well. This last feat proved beyond the other somatic manipulators available to Mr. Wickham. Her success caused her to consider the possibility that she might also be able to instill these temporary gifts as well, though she had kept that prospect to herself.

On a social level, she found that given the larger society of London she was much more desirable as a potential match. She also found that there were a greater variety of men to consider as future partners. The drawback being that she found herself constantly contrasting each man to a certain Derbyshire gentleman who, unfortunately, belonged to another woman.

She dreaded the resumption of the hectoring her mother had visited upon her since discovering her refusal of Captain Hawthorne. Even the rare maternal correspondence from Longbourn had continued the remonstrations of which she was so weary. As was proper, she had received no word directly from the surgeon, but his compliments had been passed along in her father's letters, though always with a sense of whimsy. She was not anticipating their eventual, inevitable reunion with equanimity.

But, as the familiar lanes and fields appeared out of the carriage windows, she found herself relaxing, releasing tensions that she had not been aware she had been carrying. Her breathing deepened and a fond smile made its way onto her face as she basked in the familiar scents and sounds of home. Her father was waiting in the doorway as the carriage pulled into the courtyard. She stepped out and into his waiting arms. "Welcome home, daughter."

"Still unmarried, I see," Mrs. Bennet stated flatly upon meeting Elizabeth in the sitting room. "It is too bad that you wasted so much time with men's affairs, and not on finding yourself a man. I had hoped for more from my sister."

"I am happy to see you are doing well, Mother."

Elizabeth turned to see Mary and Kitty waiting with joyful greetings. Lydia was out on an errand. After a number of embraces, the family settled in for the afternoon. The youngest daughter returned late that afternoon, looking flushed and happy. That evening Jane and Charles, as he insisted on being called, joined them for a reunion dinner.

"In your absence, I have been returning the favor owed to you for your years of service, by extending my own patrols to include Longbourn," Charles said with a smile. "It has been quiet, and I admit I lack your dab hand at healing or the veterinary arts. But the tenantry seem to have survived the deprivation."

"I appreciate your assistance, as does my father I am sure," Elizabeth replied. "Lydia, perhaps you would consider patrolling with me some mornings. It would be good to have more resources to bring to bear should the need arise again. You certainly proved your mettle after the ball. I will be going to visit Charlotte in a few weeks. You might be able to lighten Father and Mr. Bingley's load."

"That would be wonderful!" the youngest Miss Bennet enthused. "I'm certain I could be of real help. I have been ... that is, I would be very glad of the opportunity, Lizzy."

"Then be prepared. I patrol early."

"How early?" The younger girl sounded suddenly somewhat less eager.

The following days were an odd mixture of happiness and heartache. She relished the time she spent with Jane, but recognized the gulf which was growing between them as her sister grew into her new role as Charles' wife. Elizabeth took pleasure in reconnecting with the denizens of the estate, but was beginning to realize that, while still her home, Longbourn was not her future. And that time and fate would separate her from them eventually.

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