Chapter Seventeen

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Elizabeth was appalled by the destruction in the Red Lion. One wall was destroyed, opening the room to the cold November winds. Electrical burns and gun shots scarred the interior walls. Smashed furniture and crockery littered the floor. And the smell of blood and powder were all pervasive. She found several men and one woman laid out on tables or benches. Four were covered with sheets. She reached out with her senses, with the faint hope she might find a small spark of life she could fan. But there was nothing. She was tempted to lift the sheets to see their faces, but easily overcame the morbid impulse.

Turning to the bloodied body of the local farmer, she did find him holding onto his life by a thin thread. The bandage on his neck was all that was keeping him from spilling out the last of his life's essence onto the taproom floor. She laid her hands on him at his throat and chest and reached inside. She urged his neck to seal and his body to produce more blood to replace that which was lost. She also searched for the origin of his newfound gift and discovered an alien force at work inside him. She was certain she could remove it, but not sure she could do it without further damaging him. She was also reticent to remove the construct without studying it further. Someone had used a gift, similar in basic nature to hers, to create this construct. She could not help but wonder if she could do the same.

Once she had him stabilized, she ensured he would not awaken until she caused him to. "He would certainly benefit from more rest, but I can rouse him when you're ready for his interrogation." Elizabeth told her father and Mr. Darcy. "In the meanwhile, I'll work on the others."

She quickly ensured that the other prisoners – the six-armed man and the strongman – were both stable and comatose. Then she moved on to the myriad lacerations, contusions, fractures, and burns among the militiamen, the gentry, and the Meryton citizenry. She began to conserve her energy for the worst injured, letting Captain Hawthorne and Mr. Jones treat those in less danger of crippling impairment.

By the evening, she had treated more than twenty people. Several times she had to wipe tears from her cheek as she thought of all the losses suffered by the people of their peaceful neighborhood. Counting Jane, William Goulding, and very likely Old Dash as well; these villains were responsible for at least half a dozen deaths and more than two dozen casualties. It was the worst disaster she had ever experienced, though she knew it paled in comparison to any skirmish on the Peninsula. She glared at Alan Dash and hoped he had a good explanation for why he brought this tragedy to their home.

Eventually Elizabeth's father, who was taking a much more active role in this affair that she would have anticipated, came to her, along with Mr. Darcy, Sir William, Captain Hawthorne, and Mr. Denny.

"Is Dash well enough to question?" her father asked.

"He is. I can wake him when you are ready. But I might suggest removing him to a private parlor, both to spare the other wounded in the taprom the delights of a military interrogation, and to keep his answers secret from those you may want to compare his testimony to at a later time."

"Excellent suggestion," Mr. Denny agreed. "Very astute. I'll call a detail..."

"No need." Mr. Darcy gestured and the man in question floated towards the stairs. The others followed silently, although Elizabeth was very aware of the Lieutenant's flushed face. While Mr. Darcy possessed many more estimable qualities than she had originally attributed to him, he continued to display a selfish disdain of the feelings of others that made him often disagreeable in any sort of social situation.

Once they were settled into the private chamber with the farmer on a bench, he was bound in chains arranged to touch his skin in hopes of foiling any attempts he might make to attack with his electrical gift. The others spaced themselves around the room, weapons ready at hand. "Wake him, please." Mr. Darcy ordered.

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