Chapter Forty-One

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A month and a half had not been long enough for Darcy to properly prepare himself to encounter Elizabeth as Mrs. Collins with any degree of equanimity. But he could not shirk his duty to his Aunt. So, on the Ides of March, he, his sister, her companion, and Richard left Pemberley for a leisurely journey to Kent. They took several days to make London, then stayed at their townhouse for two days before setting out for the final fifty miles. Darcy spent much of the trip in the saddle, riding alongside the carriages. Richard joined him on occasion, but claimed he rode enough in Spain that he needed the respite. Even Georgiana spent some time on horseback, though the crowded road conditions did not make for a pleasant equestrian experience. They arrived at Rosings Park late on the evening of the twenty third.

"Darcy, it is most agreeable to see you again," Lady Catherine admitted upon their entry into the sitting room. She rose from her throne-like chair and offered her cheek for a kiss. "And you as well, Richard." He also offered her a nephew's kiss. "I had not expected to see our niece on this visit. If I had not heard your voice when you passed Hunsford, I would be most displeased with the surprise. You know how I prefer to plan ahead."

"I'm sorry, Aunt," Georgiana started, only to be cut off.

"Don't be silly, child. You are always welcome. I simply assume that the lack of forewarning was some sort of childish prank on your cousin's part." She scowled at Richard who smiled in response.

"I'm sure the missive must have simply gone astray," Darcy interjected. The Colonel had assured Darcy that he would send word of their expanded party.

"I think you know better than that," his Aunt rejoined. "I know I do. I could hear his muffled snickering from a mile away."

With a final glare in the Colonel's direction, she clapped her hand and said "But enough of that. Come here my dear girl." She drew her niece into an embrace. If not exactly warm, it was loving.

"This is my companion, Mrs. Annesley," Georgiana introduced with unseemly informality. Darcy was a touch shocked, but realized his sister was making a statement to their overbearing aunt. The young woman had changed since the events at Pemberley the previous month. Her success in combat had given her a new measure of confidence. He wondered at how that would fare against his aunt's strength of character. He hoped the clash would not be too bloody.

"Very good. We will have a room made up for her near yours. She and Mrs. Jenkinson will have much to talk about, I'm sure." Darcy winced at her rudeness. Lady Catherine took his arm, and Georgiana's and drew them to a sofa. "Now tell me why we are to be blessed with my niece's presence. Not that you are not welcome, my dear. But as I said, we were not expecting you."

"It was not safe to leave her at Pemberley," Darcy replied.

"Whatever can you mean?" his aunt interrupted.

"Some weeks ago, we were attacked by a group of radicals," Darcy stated.

"We think Darcy was their particular target, but they attacked the estate while Georgiana was there alone to draw him from town. They attacked again some days later." Richard added.


"Indeed," Darcy agreed perfunctorily. "But you can see how it would be insupportable for me to allow her to continue in such an unguarded circumstance. Thus, her accompanying us on our annual visit."

"Of course. You did the right thing," Lady Catherine declared. "I would like to speak with you more about these attacks. I am not sanguine that Old Miller is sufficient protection for Rosings given the changing security conditions."

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