Chapter Thirty-Four

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Darcy and his cousin arrived at Pemberley on a blustery winter afternoon. The cutting wind was a familiar feature of their home county to them both, if not a particularly beloved one. Darcy had decided the situation was urgent enough to justify the blatant use of his gift to fly a carriage with Colonel Fitzwilliam, along with their valets and luggage, from London to Derbyshire. Mr. Wickham had concurred. This allowed them to travel the 150 miles in a matter of hours instead of days. They alighted in the courtyard of Darcy's family home, startling the gardeners working in the yard and the maid sweeping the outside stairs. She ran into the house, to alert the butler and housekeeper Darcy suspected. The subsequent appearance of Jeffers, the venerable leader of the household staff, supported the gentleman's supposition.

"Mr. Darcy! It is good to see you home." Jeffers welcomed. "We had no word of your imminent arrival."

"As you can see, we were travelling in some haste. Please see that the Colonel's room is readied. Is my sister in?"

"Miss Darcy is in the music room. I must say, sir. that the instrument in that room has become somewhat worn over the years."

"I see. Thank you, Jeffers." The older man had been in service to the Darcy family for decades and had ascended to his current position while the elder Mr. Darcy still lived. Since he had known his young master as a boy, he seldom hesitated to offer advice in matters that fell under his expertise. Darcy never remonstrated with him for this impertinence. Instead he valued the aged retainer's sagacity. He made a note to himself that the piano forte needed replacing, perhaps as a present to Georgiana.

"Jeffers, you old dog!" Richard beamed, slapping the butler on his shoulder in passing. "What sort of trouble have you gotten into while the cat was away?"

"You seem to be mixing your metaphors, sir," Jeffers replied.

"Bad habit of mine. I'll endeavor to seek improvement."

"Very good, sir."

They entered the house and proceeded to the music room, where they could hear a Mozart concerto being played. Darcy quietly stepped into the room to observe his sister at her favorite pursuit. He had not seen her in some months and was once again surprised at how she had matured. She was tall, and though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful. She was handsome, with sense and good humor evident in her face. She was currently concentrating on her performance, wringing every possible nuance from the instrument. Darcy and Richard stood silently while she completed the movement. Afterwards she turned to the door and offered a gentle smile to her guardians.

"You heard us?" Richard complained.

"I hear everything." Georgiana replied. Then he stood and moved to them, offering her hand in turn to each. "I am so pleased you have come. I was not expecting you. Did you come because of the attacks? Mr. Preston said he would be sending an express."

"Indeed. We left almost as soon as we received word. Have you been impacted?" Darcy took his sister into his embrace. "I would not have you hurt for anything?"

She returned the embrace strongly. "No. Mrs. Annesley and I have weathered the crisis with comparatively little intrusion on our daily routine. We have curtailed our regular trips to Lambton until we feel matters are more settled."

"That was a sensible precaution. Richard and I must talk with Preston and Mr. Harlow to get a better idea of what is going on. Afterwards, unless this requires immediate action, we will be back for dinner. I am looking forward to hearing about your last few months."

"And I am interested to hear more about your adventures in Hertfordshire and London, perhaps even learn a bit more about this Miss Elizabeth you wrote so much of."

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