My Sister's Not For Lovin, Wayland (Part Two)

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By now you were used to Magnus' lavish parties, there was never really much call for them, one time he'd thrown a party to celebrate Chairman Meow's return however the cat had only been gone a matter of hours.

You wondered among the Downwolders, avoiding as many people as you could, unlike Magnus you preferred calm and quite tranquillity to a courtyard filled with people. Those who knew you were important to Magnus hurried to step out of your way as you wondered around, those who didn't were either quickly scolded by their counterparts or shot down by the glazed look you'd fix them.

"Hello Witchy, you miss me?" A voice to your left called out. No one other than Jace ever called you witchy and sure enough, the Shadowhunter pushed his way through the crowd and was soon in front of you.

"What're you doing here Mr Wayland, you know Magnus doesn't invite the Nephilim to his parties." You crossed your arms and waited for Jace to finish looking over your outfit so he could answer you.

"If I said I was here to see you would you believe me?" He asked with a smirk.

"Yes." You said as he took your arm. "But only because you're an excellent liar." You muttered in his ear before slipping your arm from his and hurrying through the swarm of Downworlders, glancing back only once, so that you could enjoy the sight of Jace being caught somewhere between lusted shock and surprise.

"Are you tormenting the poor Shadowhunter, he looks like he might keel over." Magnus' familiar voice had you breaking out in a wide smile.

"Well I had to put the skills you've taught me, to use at some point." You mumbled, making the man chuckle as he handed you a drink.

His head quirked when Jace and the two other Shadowhunters that were forever at his side approached. You lent on the bar that now took up most of the courtyard and watched in amusement as Magnus flirted with the dark haired Shadowhunter, the poor boy seemed to turn a deeper shade of red my the second, you looked over at Jace to see him glaring at you and then his friends.

"Well, I'll see what I can do for you." Magnus declared and nodded his head at the trio before wondering off.


"So you done for the night?" A voice made you jump; you'd become so tired the you'd zoned out to the point that it took several blinks before you realised the glamored Shadowhunter was stood in front of you.

"Yup, I love Magnus but sometimes being his sister, or whatever, is super tiring." You admitted to Jace who had sat next to you.

"If you want I can sneak you past Magnus and help you skip the rest of the party." Jace offered.

You nodded and followed him as he wound his way through the crowds, occasionally doubling back when Magnus was looking, but eventually you both got into the living room. You wondered to your bedroom and stopped smiling awkwardly at Jace who grinned and waved at you before walking away.

"Oh um goodnight (Y/N)." Jace called as he stopped and winked at you.

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